



A downloadable game

RPG MAKER XP ACE is a premade set for XP users improved with the ACE engine.

This will allows to enhance already existing RPG maker games as well improves to make future new ones for modern PC. It will allow you to maker all the games with XP software but with all the benefits that ACE has!

The original package was scattered in pieces and I pre-made this package as a default set for new projects with a small guide ingame as well links to the original post that explains everything in more details.

Basic features includes:

  • Faster Language: The new Ruby Version 1.9.2 is about 5 times faster than ancient 1.8.1 and will give your game an enormous performance boost, especially if you're an avid eventer.
  • Hyperliquid rendering: The XP engine is well-known for its stuttering scrolling and the associated screen tearing (graphics being cut). However, after you have seen how beautifully soft and silky smooth your game looks with the new engine, you're never going back.
  • Improved font rendering: The VX and VX Ace engine implemented an improved font rendering which makes your text look more refined and a pleasure to read.
  • Improved Framerate: While XP's standard frame rate is recommended at 40fps, VX Ace defaults to 60fps. Your game has never looked smoother!
  • New VXA Functionalities: If you're a scripter, you now have access to some new methods (check the Help File). Want the game to scale in size with the window (like RM2003)? VXA has your back.

The original post is almost 10 years old now and quite outdated so this version of RPG MAKER XP was also edited with the most newest and latest release of XP. So that if you are still using the old versions you might need to get the newest by buying the engine itself. Otherwise if you are just trying to get your hands on it and test it out how it feels like. Please click on this lick bellow to get your self aRUN-Time Package that allows you to play any RPG Maker Xp games :) (This is not required if you have the XP program installed)

For more information about this enhanced version can be found here on the original post!,12899.0.html

This enhanced version of XP should be also compatible with majority of the scripts out there that changes many features unless its something that entire changes how the program works but it should work with everything.

Have fun <3

All credit goes to:

KK20 - Taking ownership of the project and providing numerous script support
BlizzardLiTTleDRAgo - Scripting and bug fixing support
Dargor - XP->VX
PhoenixFire - Demo project and converted scripts
Terv - For the original topic


RPG Maker XPAce 1.1.rar17 MB

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