


Puppy Cross

Puppy Cross

A downloadable game for Windows

Buy Now8.99€ EURor more

Most recent Patch: Kitty Cross DLC (V2.000 - 06/17/2020 - Patches are described below).


Puppy Cross is a nonogram and care game, revolving around cute dogs! Solve more than a hundred puzzles to unlock content for your garden: Toys, Dogs, Decorative items. Customize your little space and give it personality!

By unlocking the "Dalmatian" mode you will be able to play endlessly on randomized grids. Send your favourite grids' seeds to your friends and race for the best time.

Hours of fun and cuteness await you!


Puppy Cross est un jeu de nonogram doublé d'un care game, sur le thème des chiens. Remplissez une centaine de grilles afin de débloquer du contenu pour votre "aire de jeu" (jouets, chiens, objets de décoration). Vous pourrez personnaliser ce petit havre de paix comme vous le souhaitez et créer un espace qui vous ressemble !

En débloquant le mode "Dalmatien" vous pourrez jouer à l'infini sur des grilles aléatoires. Il vous sera même possible d'envoyer les seeds de vos grilles préférées à vos ami(e)s et ainsi comparer votre chrono.

D'innombrables heures de casse-têtes et de mignonitude vous attendent !



- 06/17/2020
Big Welcome to our Cat Friends !
Kitty Cross brings no less than 100 new nonograms, this time dedicated to our feline friends! No one will be left behind.

Spread out across 10 paintings, these grids can unlock up to 10 different cats who will get to visit the garden and meet the other canine residents. 10 new items are also available to decorate your little paradise.

Patch List :

- V1.009 (06/10/2020)
Final minor patch before Kitty Cross lands.
Hovering over no cell while selecting several cells will not reset the selection anymore. This was annoying when selecting several cells on the border of the grids. To reset your selection, release the left click while being outside of the grid and this will do the trick!
Bees and Butterflies: they appeared unintentionally distorted and it has been fixed.
Now brace yourselves for cats are around the corner

- V1.008 (05/06/2020)
A new button "Delete All" can be accessed in the garden when the inventory is open. It will delete all the items from a single zone at once.
Dogs will now carry the toys randomly, to make the garden a little more dynamic.

-V1.007 (02/25/2020)
"Ordered" method for greying out hints is now the "default" method for newcomers since it is much less confusing. Its autofill has been improved for the occasion.
New method for greying out hints: "Progressive (Hints)". It is a variant of the normal Progressive method (now dubbed "Progressive (Series)" except the game now looks at the hints themselves before looking at the grid to see if some series match, whereas before it looked at the series BEFORE trying to fit them among the hints.
Hovering over an item in the inventorynow prompts its name to appear.
New option: "Overfill Warning"has the hints become red if there are two many black cells in a single line or column. If "Colour-Blind" is active, the hints will shake instead.
Most "spritefont" texts have been replaced with normal "Text" objects, which should make them more scalable and reduce artifacts

- V1.006 (02/19/2020)
Fixed : volume slider bug, specifically in dalmatian mode.

- V1.005 (02/18/2020)
Fixed: the new "Ordered" greying method was not functioning properly in some specific situations

- V1.004 (02/18/2020)
Improvement to the Pathfinding's map obstacle regeneration. Attempt at fixing a bug where dogs could sometimes go through solid obstacles without thinking twice about it.

- V1.003 (02/17/2020).
New option "Greyed out clues: Ordered".This will change the way the game greys out clues while the player is completing a grid. If active, only the series connected to one side of the grid (either by a black cell or a cross) will cause the clues to grey out. For some players this could prove more confortable and reduce involuntary mistakes. -New option "Colour-Blind".This underlines the clues >10 instead of making them green. For some Colour-Blind players, the green appeared grey and this caused misunderstandings.
Fixed: the "Quit game" button would not reappear after a grid from the Credits section had been played
Fixed: Seeds would not display correctly if one opened the dalmatian mode, went back to the home menu and then back again to the dalmatian mode.
Fixed: 2 typos in the French translation

- V1.002 (02/12/2020). Fixes a displaying bug with one success (Imagine Interior Designer) and add extra security to avoid dogs walking with the wrong animation in the garden.

- V1.001 (02/11/2020). Fixes a "teleporting" bug when a solid item was dropped in the play area

StatusIn development
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(8 total ratings)
AuthorDev Du Dimanche


Buy Now8.99€ EURor more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of 8.99€ EUR. You will get access to the following files:

puppy-cross-win64.zip113 MB
Version 2.005
puppy-cross-win32.zip109 MB
Version 2.005


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This game looks so cute!! Any chance you'll make it available for mac or other devices soon?

A really good game! Loved it!

I got this game on steam and love it! I'm confused about how to get the "Eldoradog" achievement though. It says to put one of each dog in the garden area, but the game only lets me drag a portion of dogs out at any one time. It physically won't let me place them all at the same time? I feel like I must be overlooking something but can't figure out what I'm doing wrong haha! 

Bonjour Lola,

félicitations pour puppy cross qui est une merveille de pixel art et un picross très réussi et les puppys sont trop mignoooooon :3 :3 <3.

Toi et Sam faites un super boulot et j'espère pouvoir jouer à Propaganda qui me hype vraiment beaucoup (j'attends la release pour ne pas me spoil le jeu ^^).

Je rencontre un petit bug au tableau 8 du monde 5, tu es peut-être déjà au courant mais celui-ci est infinissable. je joins une capture d'écran à mon message afin de t'aider dans la résolution de ce bug :).

Quoi qu'il en soit super boulot et aussi de super vidéo sur youtube, ne change pas c'est toujours un plaisir de regarder le journal de bord ;).
Bon courage à toi et Sam pour le reste du développement de Propaganda.

Bien amicalement

Le testeur du dimanche :)

Erratum : visiblement c'est moi qui ai fait une bêtise :), je m'attendais à ce qu'une erreur me soit compté en posant un croix rouge sur une case qui est censée être noire, ce qui est habituellement le cas dans la plupart des jeux de picross auxquels j'ai pu jouer et donc le jeu ne m'indiquant pas cette erreur je n'avais donc pas remarqué que je m'étais trompé. J'espère que vous n'aviez pas déjà commencé à chercher après un bug non existant. En tout cas ravis que tout fonctionne correctement. ;)

Bonjour, ô Testeur du dimanche (super pseudo !)

Effectivement pas de bug, nous ne pénalisons ni n'indiquons les croix mal placées. Un peu comme au démineur en fait. Désolée si cela t'a induit en erreur ! A ce stade je crois qu'on aurait su si une des grilles du mode principal était infinissable :)

En tout cas merci beaucoup pour les compliments, ça nous fait super plaisir ! J'espère qu'on pourra finir Propaganda, si tu suis les vidéos de la chaine tu sais que son développement est en pause, mais tôt ou tard on y reviendra ! 

En attendant, bon jeu !

Hello Nicole!

For the first patch we uploaded manually a new build, but you CAN get back your old savefile by Copying the "SaveFiles" folder in the old version of your game and Paste it in the new folder.

We now have learnt how to use the auto updater, so if you have the Itch app it should now update automatically and normally it shouldn't erase your savefiles.

This was a trial and error process and we're super sorry for the inconvenience :/ 

Glad you're enjoying the game overall <3


ah, thank you so much for responding! i figured it's a one time thing but wanted to let you know, just in case ^^

thank you for making this game! <3

i love this!!!

would it be possible to make future patches not erase game progress? kinda annoying to have to replay the first bunch of super easy puzzles, along with the tutorial.  ^^;·View all by Dev Du Dimanche·Report·Embed
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