Overview on Developing JabRef

This page presents all development information around JabRef. In case you are a end user, please head to theuser documentation or to thegeneral homepage of JabRef.

Starting point for new developers

On the pageSetting up a local workspace, we wrote about the initial steps to get your IDE running. We strongly recommend to continue reading there. After you successfully cloned and build JabRef, you are invited to continue reading here.

How tos

Teaching Exercises

We are very happy that JabRef is part ofSoftware Engineering trainings. Please head toTeaching for more information on using JabRef as a teaching object and on previous courses where JabRef was used.

Miscellaneous Hints

Command Line

The packageorg.jabref.cli is responsible for handling the command line options.

During development, one can configure IntelliJ to pass command line parameters:


Passing command line arguments using gradle is currently not possible as all arguments (such as-Dfile.encoding=windows-1252) are passed to the application.

Without jlink, it is not possible to generate a fat jar any more. During development, the capabilities of the IDE has to be used.


Diagram showing aspects of groups:Groups.uml.

Architectural Decision Records

Architectural decisions for JabRef are recorded.

For new ADRs, please useadr-template.md as basis. More information on MADR is available athttps://adr.github.io/madr/. General information about architectural decision records is available athttps://adr.github.io/.


  • Q: I getjava: package org.jabref.logic.journals does not exist.

    A: You have to ignorebuildSrc/src/main as source directory in IntelliJ as indicated in oursetup guide.

    Also filed as IntelliJ issueIDEA-240250.