#1 Open Source framework for building eCommerce Storefronts
Vue Storefront is #1 Open Source framework for building eCommerce frontends working with any eCommerce platform.
Vue Storefront started in 2017 as a spontaneous Open Source project inside eCommerce agency Divante. We knew that building eCommerce frontends is hard, especially for frontend developers and we wanted to fix that. We quickly became the most popular project in our category thanks to the huge involvement and support of our community. In November 2020 we spun off from Divante and became an independent company. A month later we got VC investment and got accepted to YCombinator. The rest is history.
Check out this video to learn more about the history of Vue Storefront - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JKC3W2wrH4
Vue.js, Nuxt, GraphQL, Apollo, TypeScript, Nest.js - all the coolest kids