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DEV Community

VirtualSobriety profile picture


Former restaurant manager who got out of the service industry by learning some new skills and focusing on a different passion of mine, coding. Oh and I'm 15 years sober, that's kind of important.


Online courses, mostly Scrimba and The Odin Project. Trial and error


Former restaurant manager, currently learning full-time and looking for any kind of freelance work!


1 Week Community Wellness Streak
1 Week Community Wellness Streak badge

1 Week Community Wellness Streak

For actively engaging with the community by posting at least 2 comments in a single week.

Writing Debut
Writing Debut badge

Writing Debut

Awarded for writing and sharing your first DEV post! Continue sharing your work to earn the 4 Week Writing Streak Badge.


I've got a decent grasp on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, TypeScript and Tailwind.

Currently learning

Different frameworks for JavaScript, game engines, basically anything that catches me interest!

Currently hacking on

Learning TypeScript and React while constantly learning more about HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Working on my first real website/domain!

Available for

Basic knowledge in web development. Anything gaming related. Food, definitely food and the service industry

Post 11 posts published
Comment 4 comments written
Tag 0 tags followed

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DEV Community

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