This is the official tag for submissions and content related to the GitHub + DEV Hackathon 2023. Details on contest rules, key dates, and more below.
Sign up for a freeGitHub account or sign into your existing account.
Create an app using GitHub Actions or Codespaces that falls under one of the categories listedhere.
Use one of the following permissive licenses for your code:MIT,Apache,BSD-2,BSD-3, orCommons Clause.
Usethis post template to officially submit your application for the hackathon.
Be sure to publish your submission on DEV between April 25th and May 23rd (@ 11:59 PM UTC), and provide your app’s URL, screenshot, description, and source code
Full rules and info can be foundhere.
• Rules, categories, and prize information in thecontest announcement post
• Need help with your submission/have any questions about the contest? Check out thehelp thread
• Want some submission feedback? Looking for some encouragement? Head over to thecommunity discussion thread