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"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Chinese Proverb

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submission guidelines


This tag is dedicated to beginners to programming, development, networking, or to a particular language. Everything should be geared towards that!

For Questions...

Consider using this tag along with #help, if...

  • You are new to a language, or to programming in general,

  • You want an explanation withNO prerequisite knowledge required.

  • You want insight from more experienced developers.

Please donot use this tag if you are merely new to a tool, library, or framework.

See also,#explainlikeimfive

For Articles...

  • Posts should bespecifically geared towards true beginners (experience level 0-2 out of 10).

  • Posts should requireNO prerequisite knowledge, except perhaps general (language-agnostic) essentials of programming.

  • Posts shouldNOT merely be for beginners to a tool, library, or framework.

If your article does not meet these qualifications, please select a different tag.

Promotional Rules

  • Postsshould NOT primarily promote an external work. This is whatListings is for.

  • Otherwise accepable postsMAY include a brief (1-2 sentence) plug for another resource at the bottom.

  • Resource listsARE acceptable if they follow these rules:

    • Include at least 3 distinct authors/creators.
    • Clearly indicate which resources are FREE, which require PII, and which cost money.
    • Do not use personal affiliate links to monetize.
    • Indicate at the top that the article contains promotional links.

about #beginners

If you're writing for this tag, we recommend you readthis article.

If you're asking a question, readthis article.

75406 Posts Published

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trending guides/resources

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