I always found it difficult when it comes to a JS implementation in Magento 2. Reasons geing not experienced in Knockout JS scope and had a general fear and confusion in ES6/jQuery/Knockout combined together.
I'm trying to break the barrier here as I needed to be perfectly clear on the concepts.
As inline script is not the proper standards, we normally have a phtml and a js file included. In some cases we need to use html file as well.
<div><?= "TESTING" ?></div><script type="text/x-magento-init"> { "#one": { "Paboda_LearnKo/js/exampleone":{} } }</script>
define([], function(){ var mageJsComponent = function() { console.log('hello...'); }; return mageJsComponent;});
As using script tags in phtml is not considered, data-mage-init should be used in the html instead
<div data-mage-init='{"Paboda_LearnKo/js/exampleone": {}}'><?= "TESTING" ?></div>
exampletwo - data-bind with scope
<div data-bind="scope: 'text-binding'"> <div><?= "Scope Binding" ?></div> <div> <h1 data-bind="text: sayHello"></h1> </div></div><script type="text/x-magento-init"> { "*": { "Magento_Ui/js/core/app": { "components": { "text-binding": { "component": "Paboda_LearnKo/js/exampletwo" } } } } }</script>
define([ 'uiComponent'], function(Component) { return Component.extend({ initialize: function () { this._super(); this.sayHello = "This is the binding text from KO..."; }, });});
examplethree - data-bind with scope in html template
<div data-bind="scope: 'text-binding'"> <div><?= "Scope Binding" ?></div> <!-- ko template: getTemplate() --><!-- /ko --></div><script type="text/x-magento-init"> { "*": { "Magento_Ui/js/core/app": { "components": { "text-binding": { "component": "Paboda_LearnKo/js/examplethree", "template" : "Paboda_LearnKo/examplethree" } } } } }</script>
define([ 'uiComponent'], function(Component) { return Component.extend({ initialize: function () { this._super(); this.sayHelloFromTemplate = "This is the binding text from KO template..."; }, });});
<div> <h1 data-bind="text: sayHelloFromTemplate"></h1></div>
examplefour - show html as in data-bind but with data-mage-config
<div data-mage-init='{"Paboda_LearnKo/js/example4": {}}'></div>
define([ 'jquery', 'Magento_Ui/js/lib/core/storage/local'], function ($, storage) { 'use strict'; return function (config, element) { let showHtml = function () { $(element).html( "test" ); } showHtml(); };});
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