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Cindy Lam
Cindy Lam

Posted on • Originally published



Hi everyone! After learning and practicing on Exercism (JavaScript track) for almost 50 days now, I have completed close to 50 questions out of a total 138 questions so far.

I have decided to create a series blog posts to document down different methods in JavaScript, some good practices that I have learned from the mentors at Exercism, as well as any things related to JavaScript that I find interesting.

I will keep practicing on Exercism and document down what I have learned along the way.

Hope this documentation can somewhat help you out in your JavaScript learning journey! p^^q

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kanishkkhurana profile image
Kanishk Khurana
Hi!i am a Computer Science Student . i have a lot of interest in blockchain, react, and i support basically any platform that is helping make the world a better and more secure place !

That is so cool !
i look forward to see more of your progress!
please also share the problems you face along the way to help beginners like me .

ngl4 profile image
Cindy Lam
Learner, Developer, Software Engineer
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Will do, Thanks Kanishk!

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Cindy Lam
Learner, Developer, Software Engineer
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