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DEV Community

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#serverless #postgres #database

Neon is a fully managed serverless Postgres with a generous free tier. Neon separates storage and compute and offers modern developer features such as serverless, branching, bottomless storage, and more. Neon is open source and written in Rust.

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Meet the team

reeshee profile image
thisismahmoud profile image
carlotasoto profile image
davidgomes profile image
raoufchebri profile image
noble-gas profile image
taraneh_neon profile image
samharri profile image
andyhats profile image

Our story

Neon is a fully managed serverless Postgres with a generous free tier. Neon separates storage and compute and offers modern developer features such as serverless, branching, bottomless storage, and more. Neon is open source and written in Rust.

Post 32 posts published
Member 9 members
DEV Community

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