Mudassir Ali
Professional Software Developer with more thanthr years of experience in Web Technologiesespecially in SaaS Projects, involved in all stagesof development and super flexible with workingwith teams
Web Developer at self employed

Four Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least four years.

Writing Debut
Awarded for writing and sharing your first DEV post! Continue sharing your work to earn the 4 Week Writing Streak Badge.

Three Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least three years.

Two Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least two years.

One Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least one year.