When developing applications, it is common to split a large amount of code into smaller units. However, one of the difficulties is how to compose these parts together. In this post, we will emphasize the "depth" of a composition. This refers to how nested composition differs from flat composition in different contexts.
// -- nested --classLow{}classMiddle{privatelow=newLow();}classHigh{privatemiddle=newMiddle();}// usageconsthigh=newHigh();// -- flat --classLow{}classMiddle{constructor(privatelow:Low,){}}classHigh{constructor(privatemiddle:Middle,){}}// usageconsthigh=newHigh(newMiddle(newLow()));
React component
// -- nested --constLow=()=><low/>;constMiddle=()=><middle><Low/></middle>;constHigh=()=><high><Middle/></high>;// usage<High/>// -- flat --constLow=()=><low/>;constMiddle=({children})=><middle>{children}</middle>;constHigh=({children})=><high>{children}</high>;// usage<High><Middle><Low/></Middle></High>
// -- nested --functionlow(){}functionmiddle(){low();}functionhigh(){middle();}// usagehigh();// -- flat --functionlow(){}functionmiddle(low:()=>void):()=>void{return()=>{low();}}functionhigh(middle:()=>void):()=>void{return()=>{middle();}}// usagehigh(middle(low))();
// -- nested --interfaceLow{}interfaceMiddleextendsLow{}interfaceHighextendsMiddle{}// -- flat --interfaceLow{}interfaceMiddle{}interfaceHighextendsMiddle,Low{}
Why flat?
- Easier to navigate between layers
- More control over each layer of the code
- Easier to manage and modify
- It facilitates mocking
- It encourages reliance on interfaces
Why nested?
- More intuitive structure
- Easier to implement and use
- It hides inner details from the API
- It provides a simpler interface for users
By considering these factors, developers can choose the most suitable approach for their specific needs and context.
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