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DEV Community

MyCareersFuture logo


Technical writings from the MyCareersFuture product team

Location SingaporeJoined Joined on External link icon


Meet the team

shonoru profile image
ryanoolala profile image
neurrone profile image
whoiskai profile image

Our story

It was summer of 2016 and unemployment amongst local Professionals, Managers, Executives, and Technicians (PMETs) in later stages of their careers were increasing, a plan to provide assistance to Singapore residents in their jobseeking journeys was born. They called us MyCareersFuture.

Our stack

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Golang, Kotlin, Python
Web Frameworks: ReactJS, Apollo GraphQL
E2E Testing Frameworks: Cypress, Robot, Selenium
Datastores: MySQL, CouchDB
Observability: Prometheus, FluentD, Grafana, Kibana, Zipkin
Operations: Docker, Kubernetes, LinkerD
Infrastructure: AWS

Post 14 posts published
Member 4 members
DEV Community

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