Jens Kohl
I'm used to be a mobile developer and web API architect. Nowadays I'm doing container stuff and fight legacy apps to be good citizens in a microservice-oriented world.
CS graduate
DevOps Officer at milch & zucker AG

Seven Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least seven years.

Writing Debut
Awarded for writing and sharing your first DEV post! Continue sharing your work to earn the 4 Week Writing Streak Badge.

Six Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least six years.

Five Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least five years.

Four Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least four years.

Three Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least three years.

Two Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least two years.

One Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least one year.
GitHub Repositories
A PHP REST server for providing a very light-weight REST API. If you want color highlighting support for TextMate, look here: https://gist.github.com/1149076
PHP• 12 stars
Monolog processor which injects HTTP request headers into the log
PHP• 5 stars
for languages: PHP, Bash, Objective-C, Swift. I do specialise in a lot of technology in the past years, because of work. So I guess I'm more of a generalist, lately.
Currently learning
I'm currently try to get into container orchestration with Rancher and Kubernetes.
Currently hacking on
I'm making small Alexa skills for myself at the moment to ease up my daily routines.