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Jaykumar Bhaumikbhai Patel profile picture

Jaykumar Bhaumikbhai Patel

I'm a curious explorer, diving into the latest in tech from crypto and blockchain to AI/ML, and beyond and sharing my discoveries with the community.

Location Gujarat, IndiaJoined Joined on Personal website https://jayptl.metwitter website


A. D. Patel Institue Of Technology




Writing Debut
Writing Debut badge

Writing Debut

Awarded for writing and sharing your first DEV post! Continue sharing your work to earn the 4 Week Writing Streak Badge.


Dart(Flutter), Java, XML, Kotlin, React(TypeScript), Hono, Bun, Python, GO Lang

Currently learning

I'm diving deeper into advanced mobile and web app development techniques with Flutter and Dart while also exploring modern cloud integration practices using GCP.

Currently hacking on

I’m a mobile app developer specializing in Flutter and Dart for cross-platform solutions, while also crafting web apps and websites using React and Tailwind CSS for smaller clients.

Available for

I'm open to collaborative projects, freelance gigs, and tech discussions—whether it's brainstorming innovative mobile app ideas, refining web development strategies, or integrating cloud solutions.

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