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Hilton Meyer
Hilton Meyer

Posted on • Originally published on


CSS Reset

After doing a theCSS Demystified CSS course ofKevin Powel I left with a much better understanding of CSS although far from where I want to be and coming from a development side of thigs my design chops need some serious work. At the moment I loveTailwind although more and more latelyWaterCSS drop in stylesheet. But for me to start working and learning I'll have to start working on CSS and not depending on others. The base is where everything starts off with so I will use this as a page that I will come back to as I build out my CSS reset for projects.

:root {  --ff-sans: 'IBM Plex Sans', sans-serif;  --ff-serif: 'IBM Plex Serif', serif;  /* small screen font-sizes */  --fs-200: 0.75rem;  --fs-300: 1rem;  --fs-400: 1.25rem;  --fs-500: 1.375rem;  --fs-600: 1.75rem;  --fs-900: 2.125rem;  --fw-200: 200;  --fw-300: 300;  --fw-400: 400;  --fw-700: 700;  --clr-neutral-100: #fff;  --clr-neutral-200: #eef1f6;  --clr-neutral-300: #a9afbc;  --clr-neutral-400: #737b8c;  --clr-neutral-500: #434956;  --clr-neutral-900: #020203;  --clr-primary-300: #f3f7ff;  --clr-primary-400: #8ea8da;  --br: 1rem;  --lh-heading: 1rem;  --lh-text: 1.5rem;}/* Reset */*,*::before,*::after {  box-sizing: border-box;}h1,h2,h3,h4,.h1,.h2,.h3,.h4 {  line-height: var(--lh-heading);}* {  margin: 0;  padding: 0;}ul[class],ol[class] {  list-style: none;}img {  max-width: 100%;  height: auto;  display: block;}/* Layout */body {  padding: 1rem;  line-height: var(--lh-text);}
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    DBA/Developer at Komit
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