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Cover image for React Portals: Intro
Hari Kotha
Hari Kotha

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React Portals: Intro

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This article will cover -

  • Basic intro to Portals in React.js
  • Why & How to use react portals

React Portals

Renders react components outside of root DOM element

What is a Portal

React renders all its components inside a single root DOM element (ideally of id = "root").

If instead, we have a use-case where we want to render a component outside of this root element, we use a concept calledReact Portals.

How to create Portals

Ideally, to bootstrap a react app, we use ReactDOM.render method to render our react app to root element.

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Similarly, To create a portal we use ReactDOM.createPortal method which takes two parameters

  1. React Component or JSX
  2. HTML DOM element
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ReactDOM.createPortal(<h1>Portal goes here</h1>,document.getElementById('portal'))
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Why to use React Portals

We can use Portals while creating a Modal or Popup as these occupy space outside of the normal element ordering/stacking. Modals sometimes cover the whole page for example take a look at the below code -

<Wrapperstyle={{maxWidth:'250px',zIndex:1,position:'relative'}}><Modalopenstyle={{zIndex:1000,postion:'fixed',top:0,left:0}}><p>Some content inside Modal</p></Modal></Wrapper><OtherWrapperstyle={{zIndex:100}}><div>some other content</div></OtherWrapper>
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As per the example above,Modal is being rendered inside aWrapper that has max-width limitation and a z-index set to 1. That means even though Modal has a z-index of 1000, it cannot be on top of everything becauseOtherWrapper has a higher z-index thanWrapper.

Hence, Modal(z-index=1000) will be still under OtherWrapper(zIndex=100) as Modal is inside Wrapper(z-index=1).

To overcome these kinds of issues, we can implement a Portal to render Modal -

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return ReactDOM.createPortal(<div>        Modal content goes here</div>,    document.getElementById('portal-root'))
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This will render the Modal component insideportal-root DOM element outside the root element. However, this is will be kept as usual in React component tree & events are listened & executed as before.

Thanks for checking!
Stay safe :)


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Software Engineer.Works on JavaScript | React.js | Node.js
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