Gabriel Barcelos | C#, AspNetCore, ReactJS
Sou desenvolvedor "fullStack" e empresário.Através da programação é possível resolver #problemas! A resolução de problemas é a base de qualquer #negócio.

Four Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least four years.

Writing Debut
Awarded for writing and sharing your first DEV post! Continue sharing your work to earn the 4 Week Writing Streak Badge.

Three Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least three years.

Two Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least two years.

One Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least one year.
Currently learning
NextJs, React, RavenDB
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