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DEV Community

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DeepSource finds and fixes issues during code reviews.

Discover and fix bug risks, anti-patterns, performance issues, and security flaws — before they land in production. Up and running in a couple of minutes. For Python and Go. Loved by open-source teams at Uber, Slack, and many others.

Location San Francisco and BangaloreJoined Joined on Twitter logoGitHub logoExternal link icon


Meet the team

camelcaseguy profile image
rj722 profile image
scmmishra profile image
sourya profile image
sadjunky profile image
sauravsrijan profile image
sanketsaurav profile image
jaipradeesh profile image
karansthr profile image
sidntrivedi012 profile image

Our story

Our stack

Our front-end web servers are written in Python (Django) and analysis orchestration systems are written in Go. We use Kubernetes for scheduling and analysis orchestration. We have the following teams: Platform, Analyzer, Infrastructure. Our analyzer team works primarily on adding new issues, optimizing existing issues to reduce false positives on all of our analyzers.

Post 38 posts published
Member 10 members
DEV Community

We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers.

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