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DEV Community

David Scanu  profile picture

David Scanu

🎓 Je poursuis actuellement le parcours "AI Engineer" d'OpenClassrooms, en alternance au sein du groupe Carrefour.

Location Caen, FranceJoined Joined on Personal website websitetwitter website


Diplomé de l'École IA Microsoft par Simplon et ISEN


Parcours "AI Engineer" chez OpenClassrooms - En alternance chez Groupe Carrefour.


One Year Club
One Year Club badge

One Year Club

This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least one year.

Writing Debut
Writing Debut badge

Writing Debut

Awarded for writing and sharing your first DEV post! Continue sharing your work to earn the 4 Week Writing Streak Badge.


🤖 Machine Learning et Deep Learning
🚀 Développement back-end en Python et JavaScript
🎨 Développement front-end
🗯️ Développement de thème et plugins WordPress

Currently learning

🤖 Machine Learning et Deep Learning
👀 Computer Vision
⚗️ FastApi, Django, MLFlow
💯 Full-Stack Development in JavaScript

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DEV Community

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