Well, I use Linux(On Debian Buster currently) on almost all of my personal laptops + desktop, and when you use Linux you get N numbers of options for almost everything to plug and play and use it.
In Linux, you have various GUIs available and my personal favorite is Gnome3 because of its clean user interface and the tweaks it allows for the look and feels.
The problems with GUIs
How to manage the various windows. I ended up buying an extra monitor.
Space issues like a title bar and subtitle bar etc so in the end you end up with a very small space (actually not that small) for your actual work.
Sometime it feels sluggish and needs a lot more resources than you want to spend on GUIs stuff.
The unwanted stuff you get along with the GUIs which you will never be going to use.
So What's the Fix?
Enter the Tiling Window Manager. There are many options available but my favorite is Xmonad.
Xmonad a minimal tiling window manager written in Haskell and DIY tiling manager which means it comes with no batteries you need to manage your Xmonad via a config file
Xmonad is very light and easy to use (actually not that easy) but man once you understand the terminologies you will love it and again you will learn little bit Haskell isn't it cool?
Another cool thing about the tiling window manager is you move towards a keyboard-driven approach and that means a less distraction at least for me and super productive.
Let's walk through the config file snippet for the Xmonad
In the above config
I have defined my default
and I loveTerminator .I defined
which means mymodkey
which I bind tomod1Mask
which means the leftAlt
key on QWERTY keyboard.
Key Bindings
myKeysconf@(XConfig{XMonad.modMask=modm})=M.fromList$[((modm.|.shiftMask,xK_Return),spawn$XMonad.terminalconf),((modm,xK_Print),spawn"scrot screen_%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.png -d 1"),((modm.|.controlMask,xK_Print),spawn"scrot window_%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.png -d 1-u"),((modm,xK_p),spawn"exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu` && eval\"exec $exe\""),((modm.|.shiftMask,xK_p),spawn"gmrun"),((modm.|.shiftMask,xK_c),kill),((modm,xK_h),sendMessageShrink),((modm,xK_l),sendMessageExpand),((modm,xK_t),withFocused$windows.W.sink)]
The above is just a snippet from my Xmonad config file. Let's go through the keywords we are seeing in the above snippet.
For my meta key or mod key, I will be using modm. Later part we can define our key bindings.
- To launch a terminal
The above code snippet will bind themeta key
ormod key
in my case itsAlt
key andshiftMask = Shift Key
plusEnter = xK_Return
my terminal which isTerminator
- ScreenShots
((modm,xK_Print),spawn"scrot screen_%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.png -d 1"),((modm.|.controlMask,xK_Print),spawn"scrot window_%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.png -d 1-u")
To take a screenshot for full screen or for the focused window bind the keymodm and ControlKey + PrintScreen Key
and it will spawn a daemon namescrot. On other notescrot
stands forSCReenshoT
- Open a Menu or DMenu
((modm,xK_p),spawn"exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu` && eval\"exec $exe\"")
The above command will open Dmenu and we can just type the program name we want to access likenautilus
- To kill a focus window
The above command which isalt and shift + c
will kill the focused window.
- To shrink the window
The above command which isalt + h
will shrink the focused window.
- To expand the window
The above command which isalt + l
will expand the focused window.
- To move focus to next window
- To move focus to the previous window
- To switch between tiling mode
All above key bindings are a few drops out of the ocean. Please refer to the official documentation for more config settings.
Tiling window manager is really good when you need a minimal GUI and mostly your work is Keyboard driven.
Tiling window manager needs some learning actually it really needs to rewire your mind in order to operate.
Tiling window manager is lightweight and can work on low-end machines, old machines.
Happy Tiling!!
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