Telerik UI for Blazor Demos and Examples

UI Library With 110+ Native Components for Building Modern and Feature-Rich Applications

Most Popular Blazor Components

Sample Blazor Applications

blazor ui ninja image

New to Telerik UI for Blazor?

Telerik UI for Blazor is a professional grade UI library with 110+ native components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.

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Blazor Components Demos and Examples

Tools & Resources

  • Telerik ThemeBuilder iconThemeBuilder

    Create and modify SASS-based themes for Telerik UI for Blazor components.

  • Telerik REPL iconTelerik REPL

    The Progress Telerik REPL for Blazor is a platform where you can experiment with all of your ideas, edit demos in real-time and play around with existing components.

  • Building Blocks and Page TemplatesNew

    Need to accelerate your application development? Explore our expertly crafted, customizable, and accessible Telerik and Kendo UI Building Blocks and Page Templates.

  • Cross-platform

    Build engaging and inclusive mobile and desktop apps with Blazor Hybrid.

  • Modernization and Migration

    Modernize your next app with Telerik UI for Blazor. Develop new Blazor apps or migrate legacy web projects in half the time.

  • Globalization

    The ability to react to the chosen culture where format strings such as number and date formats are involved.

  • Localization

    Localize the Telerik Blazor components by adding a resource file for each language.

  • Accessibility

    Documentation about accessibility level and compliance of the Telerik UI for Blazor components.

  • Keyboard Support

    Review the examples in which you can test how the end users can use the keyboard to walk through the Telerik UI components and invoke different actions.


  • Reporting Integration

    Sample project that demonstrates the integration between the Telerik UI for Blazor and Telerik Reporting

Document Processing

The above examples demonstrate how to use the Telerik Document Processing libraries in a Blazor application.

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