- Core Lab
- ActionSheet
- AI PromptUpdated
- AppBar
- Arc Gauge
- Area Charts
- AutoComplete
- Avatar
- Badge
- Bar Charts
- Barcode
- BottomNavigation
- Box Plot Charts
- Breadcrumb
- Bubble Charts
- Bullet Charts
- Button
- ButtonGroup
- Calendar
- Captcha
- Cards
- Chart API
- Chart
- Chart WizardNew
- Chat
- CheckBox
- CheckBoxGroup
- Chip
- ChipList
- Circular Gauge
- Circular ProgressBar
- ColorGradient
- ColorPalette
- ColorPicker
- ComboBox
- DataSource
- DateInput
- DatePicker
- DateRangePicker
- DateTimePicker
- Diagram
- Dialog
- DockManager
- Donut Charts
- Drag and Drop
- Drawer
- DrillDown Charts
- DropDownButton
- DropDownList
- DropDownTree
- Editor
- Expansion Panel
- PDF Export
- FileManager
- Filter
- Stock Charts
- FlatColorPicker
- FloatingActionButton
- FormUpdated
- Funnel Charts
- Gantt
- GridUpdated
- Overview
- Basic Usage
- TagHelper
- Adaptive Rendering
- Data Binding
- Exporting
- Data Editing
- Scrolling
- Filtering
- Functionality
- Group Paging of Remote Data
- Server Grouping with Virtualization
- Sorting
- Search Panel
- Selection
- Selection Aggregates
- Checkbox Selection
- Aggregates
- Paging
- Pager Functionality
- Hierarchy
- State Persistence
- Responsive Columns
- Hidden Grouped Columns
- Drag and Drop
- Sizing
- Context Menu
- Row & Column Spanning
- Row Resizing
- Paste from Excel
- Chart IntegrationNew
- Templates
- Columns
- Accessibility and Internationalization
- GridLayout
- HeatMap
- ImageEditor
- Line Charts
- Linear Gauge
- ListBox
- ListView
- Loader
- Map
- MaskedTextBox
- MediaPlayer
- Menu
- MultiColumnComboBox
- MultiSelect
- MultiViewCalendar
- Notification
- NumericTextBox
- OrgChart
- OTP InputNew
- Pager
- PanelBar
- PdfProcessing
- PDFViewerUpdated
- Pie Charts
- PivotGrid
- PivotGridV2
- Polar Charts
- Popover
- ProgressBar
- PropertyGrid
- Pyramid Charts
- QRCode
- Radar Charts
- Radial Gauge
- RadioButton
- RadioGroup
- Range Area Charts
- Range Bar Charts
- Rating
- Responsive Panel
- Ripple Container
- Sankey Diagram
- Scatter Charts
- Scheduler
- Overview
- Basic Usage
- Adaptive Rendering
- TagHelper
- Functionality
- Adaptive Slot Height
- Auto Event Height
- Year View
- Timeline View
- Timeline Overnight View
- Custom Toolbar
- Event Selection
- Import and Export to iCal
- PDF Export
- Search Events
- Resources
- Horizontal Grouping
- Vertical Grouping
- Virtual Vertical Grouping
- Hierarchical Grouping
- Date Grouping
- Templates
- Restrictions
- Moving and Resizing
- Changing Work Days
- Highlight Ongoing Events
- Data Binding
- Accessibility and Internationalization
- ScrollView
- Signature
- Skeleton Container
- Slider
- Sortable
- Sparklines
- SplitButton
- Splitter
- SpreadProcessing
- Spreadsheet
- SpreadStreamProcessing
- StackLayout
- Stepper
- Switch
- TabStripUpdated
- TaskBoard
- Template
- TextArea
- TextBox
- TileLayout
- TimeDurationPicker
- Timeline
- TimePicker
- ToggleButton
- ToolBarUpdated
- Tooltip
- TreeList
- Basic Usage
- TagHelper
- Remote Data Binding
- OData-v4 Binding
- Checkbox Selection
- Drag and Drop
- Editing
- Filter Row
- InCell Editing
- Popup Editing
- Search Panel
- Column Resizing
- Column Reordering
- Column Menu
- Multi-Column Headers
- Frozen Columns
- Aggregates
- State Persistence
- Excel Export
- PDF Export
- Events
- Row Template
- Toolbar Template
- Keyboard Navigation
- Client-Side Paging
- TreeMap
- TreeView
- Upload
- Validator
- Waterfall Charts
- Window
- Wizard
- WordsProcessing
- Zip Library
Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Pager Overview
- Edit in Telerik REPL
- Change ThemedefaultDefault Theme
- Main
- Main Dark
- Nordic
- Ocean Blue
- Ocean Blue A11Y
- Purple
- Turquoise
Bootstrap Theme- Main
- Bootstrap 3
- Bootstrap 3 Dark
- Main Dark
- Nordic
- Turquoise
- Turquoise Dark
- Urban
- Vintage
Material Theme- Main
- Arctic
- Lime Dark
- Main Dark
- Nova
Classic Theme- Main
- Green
- Green Dark
- Lavender
- Lavender Dark
- Main Dark
- Metro
- Metro Dark
- Moonlight
- Opal
- Opal Dark
- Silver
- Silver Dark
- Uniform
Fluent Theme- Main
Also available for:
CLIENT-SIDE API HTML HELPER API TAG HELPER APIThe Pager component is part ofTelerik UI for ASP.NET Core, a professional grade UI library with 110+ components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.
TheASP.NET Core Pager component provides the UI needed to page data and can be easily used alongside other data controls.
The current example displays a common use-case scenario for a Pager component.
The ASP.NET Core Pager control is part ofTelerik UI for ASP.NET Core, a professional-grade UI library with 110+ components for building modern and feature-rich web applications. The TextBox is a server-side wrapper for theKendo UI for jQuery Pager component and supports an HtmlHelper and a TagHelper mode.
Functionality and Features
- Integration–Example of the Pager integration in a Grid.
- Keyboard Navigation–The Keyboard Navigation options of the Pager.