- Core Lab
- ActionSheet
- AI PromptUpdated
- AppBar
- Arc Gauge
- Area Charts
- AutoComplete
- Avatar
- Badge
- Bar Charts
- Barcode
- BottomNavigation
- Box Plot Charts
- Breadcrumb
- Bubble Charts
- Bullet Charts
- Button
- ButtonGroup
- Calendar
- Captcha
- Cards
- Chart API
- Chart
- Chart WizardNew
- Chat
- CheckBox
- CheckBoxGroup
- Chip
- ChipList
- Circular Gauge
- Circular ProgressBar
- ColorGradient
- ColorPalette
- ColorPicker
- ComboBox
- DataSource
- DateInput
- DatePicker
- DateRangePicker
- DateTimePicker
- Diagram
- Dialog
- DockManager
- Donut Charts
- Drag and Drop
- Drawer
- DrillDown Charts
- DropDownButton
- DropDownList
- DropDownTree
- Editor
- Expansion Panel
- PDF Export
- FileManager
- Filter
- Stock Charts
- FlatColorPicker
- FloatingActionButton
- FormUpdated
- Funnel Charts
- Gantt
- GridUpdated
- Overview
- Basic Usage
- TagHelper
- Adaptive Rendering
- Data Binding
- Exporting
- Data Editing
- Scrolling
- Filtering
- Functionality
- Group Paging of Remote Data
- Server Grouping with Virtualization
- Sorting
- Search Panel
- Selection
- Selection Aggregates
- Checkbox Selection
- Aggregates
- Paging
- Pager Functionality
- Hierarchy
- State Persistence
- Responsive Columns
- Hidden Grouped Columns
- Drag and Drop
- Sizing
- Context Menu
- Row & Column Spanning
- Row Resizing
- Paste from Excel
- Chart IntegrationNew
- Templates
- Columns
- Accessibility and Internationalization
- GridLayout
- HeatMap
- ImageEditor
- Line Charts
- Linear Gauge
- ListBox
- ListView
- Loader
- Map
- MaskedTextBox
- MediaPlayer
- Menu
- MultiColumnComboBox
- MultiSelect
- MultiViewCalendar
- Notification
- NumericTextBox
- OrgChart
- OTP InputNew
- Pager
- PanelBar
- PdfProcessing
- PDFViewerUpdated
- Pie Charts
- PivotGrid
- PivotGridV2
- Polar Charts
- Popover
- ProgressBar
- PropertyGrid
- Pyramid Charts
- QRCode
- Radar Charts
- Radial Gauge
- RadioButton
- RadioGroup
- Range Area Charts
- Range Bar Charts
- Rating
- Responsive Panel
- Ripple Container
- Sankey Diagram
- Scatter Charts
- Scheduler
- Overview
- Basic Usage
- Adaptive Rendering
- TagHelper
- Functionality
- Adaptive Slot Height
- Auto Event Height
- Year View
- Timeline View
- Timeline Overnight View
- Custom Toolbar
- Event Selection
- Import and Export to iCal
- PDF Export
- Search Events
- Resources
- Horizontal Grouping
- Vertical Grouping
- Virtual Vertical Grouping
- Hierarchical Grouping
- Date Grouping
- Templates
- Restrictions
- Moving and Resizing
- Changing Work Days
- Highlight Ongoing Events
- Data Binding
- Accessibility and Internationalization
- ScrollView
- Signature
- Skeleton Container
- Slider
- Sortable
- Sparklines
- SplitButton
- Splitter
- SpreadProcessing
- Spreadsheet
- SpreadStreamProcessing
- StackLayout
- Stepper
- Switch
- TabStripUpdated
- TaskBoard
- Template
- TextArea
- TextBox
- TileLayout
- TimeDurationPicker
- Timeline
- TimePicker
- ToggleButton
- ToolBarUpdated
- Tooltip
- TreeList
- Basic Usage
- TagHelper
- Remote Data Binding
- OData-v4 Binding
- Checkbox Selection
- Drag and Drop
- Editing
- Filter Row
- InCell Editing
- Popup Editing
- Search Panel
- Column Resizing
- Column Reordering
- Column Menu
- Multi-Column Headers
- Frozen Columns
- Aggregates
- State Persistence
- Excel Export
- PDF Export
- Events
- Row Template
- Toolbar Template
- Keyboard Navigation
- Client-Side Paging
- TreeMap
- TreeView
- Upload
- Validator
- Waterfall Charts
- Window
- Wizard
- WordsProcessing
- Zip Library
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Loading Demo...
- Edit in Telerik REPL
- Change ThemedefaultDefault Theme
- Main
- Main Dark
- Nordic
- Ocean Blue
- Ocean Blue A11Y
- Purple
- Turquoise
Bootstrap Theme- Main
- Bootstrap 3
- Bootstrap 3 Dark
- Main Dark
- Nordic
- Turquoise
- Turquoise Dark
- Urban
- Vintage
Material Theme- Main
- Arctic
- Lime Dark
- Main Dark
- Nova
Classic Theme- Main
- Green
- Green Dark
- Lavender
- Lavender Dark
- Main Dark
- Metro
- Metro Dark
- Moonlight
- Opal
- Opal Dark
- Silver
- Silver Dark
- Uniform
Fluent Theme- Main
Also available for:
TheTelerik UI for ASP.NET Core Chip comes with an extensive set of API configurations. This demo shows how to utilize some of its functions such as selecting and focusing, and enabling and disabling the control.
You can check the full list of the supported API calls in the ASP.NET Core API reference documentation.
Additional Apps
This Chip example is part of unique collection of hundreds of ASP.NET Core demos, with which you can see allTelerik ASP.NET Core components and their features in action. View the source code of the demos from the library or directly adapt, and edit them and their theme appearance inTelerik REPL for ASP.NET Core orThemeBuilder.