


Semantic analysis at your hand

We aim to make a difference beyond lint.

  • Semantic analysis beyond lint

    Semantic analysis beyond lint

    By following execution and data flow of JavaScript program, DeepScan finds more useful issues that linter tools can't:

    • Use of inconsistent null checks

    • Use of implicit type conversion

    • Assignment with the same values

    • Unreachable code

    Meanwhile, analysis speed is fast (about 7,000 lines/sec) enough to use as a developer tool. If you are interested in technical details, checkhere.

  • Effective rule sets

    Cutting edge rule sets for JavaScript code quality

    DeepScan has rules for checking runtime errors and code quality issues.

    We develop these rules by finding common pitfalls and best practices from various sources: CWE, FindBugs, PMD, open sources and papers.

    For each detected issue, DeepScan assigns an impact ("High, "Medium", and "Low") depending on the surrounding context.

    Also we try to support fast-changing web standards and frameworks. DeepScan supports the latest standard completely and provides the specialized rules forReact andVue.js which are two of the leading JavaScript frameworks.

  • Precise detection

    Precise detection

    DeepScan strongly maintains false alarm rate below 5%.

    By the semantic analysis and elaborate filtering of detected issues, DeepScan can have lower false alarm rate than other analysis tools.

  • Always up-to-date

    Always up-to-date

    DeepScan is in sync with GitHub repository. Whenever you commit the code into your repository, DeepScan automatically inspects the changes so you can see up-to-date status of your code.

    Also, if you are one of a development team or engineering organization, you can configure the team on DeepScan and manage the quality status of your team with your team members in sync.

