Embed Online Group Chat Platform
for Website
for Website
Prebuilt-Chat API and SDK
Group, Live Stream & 1-1 Chat
Get started for free and join more than 10,000 happy Customers.

Get started for free and join more than 10,000 happy Customers.
Trusted By the world's Biggest Corporations
Dead Simple Chat
Highly customizable chat for any use case. Comes with pre-built chat that can be integrated into any website or app in minutes.
With 10 Million participants in a single chat room. Dead Simple Chat is the Most Scalable chat in there is.
Add chat to your website or application in minutes with pre-built chat.
Easily customize every aspect of chat with UI based customization + Ability to add custom CSS.
Moderation features like ability to create multiple Moderators, delete messages, ban bad words, ban/ un-ban users, A.I based moderation and much more.
Automatically Sign In users that are on your Platform / Website to chat with Single Sign On.
With Dead Simple Chat add powerful chat capabilities to your SaaS application.
API and Webhooks
Single Sign On (SSO)
Increase engagement on your social platform/community by keeping the users and conversations on your platform.
Group and 1-1 Chat
Channels and Sub-Rooms
Like and Reply to Messages
Allow students to ask questions and promote discourse among students and instructors.
Completely Separate Chat for Classes
File and Image Sharing
Reply to Messages
Pre-moderated Chat
Add Chat next to a live stream in minutes with Dead Simple Chat
+10 Million Concurrent Users
99.999% Uptime and 24x7 Phone Support
Powerful Moderation Features
Powerful and easy-to-use APIs and SDK.
Powerful yet simple Chat APIs and SDK. Integrate chat in minutes yet powerful enough to handle any use-case, with deep customizations, REST APIs, JS, iOS, Android, React Native and Flutter SDKs and Webhooks.
<script src="https://cdn.deadsimplechat.com/sdk/1.0/dschatsdk.min.js"></script><iframe id="chat-frame" src="https://deadsimplechat.com/sq94k9OZV"width="100%" height="600px"></iframe><script>(async () => {const sdk = new DSChatSDK("sq94k9OZV", "chat-frame", "pub_57xxx")// Call the connect method to connect the SDK to the Chat iFrame.await sdk.connect();sdk.join({ username: "John"});sdk.sendMessage("Hello World");sdk.on("message", (message) => { console.log("New Message Arrived", message);});})();</script>
"Dead Simple Chat was the perfect solution to add more fan engagement into our live virtual event. The support team was incredibly responsive and collaborative, and worked with us to build a custom plan that integrated seamlessly into our existing platform."
I used Dead Simple Chat on a landing page that sees hundreds of thousands of viewers day-of. I discovered DSC and they are fantastic to work with. Dead Simple Chat great to work and it's truly so simple to use.
Allow users to conduct Group chat and 1-1 Chat with DeadSimpleChat.
Allow users to share images and files with DeadSimpleChat. Image sharing and file sharing can be switched on/off in the dashboard.
Dead Simple Chat interface you can reply to individual messages sent by users and also give reactions to the messages.
DeadSimpleChat is extremely reliable with 99.999% Uptime, low latency and 24 X7 dedicated phone and email support.
Get a host of analytics like peak chat users, total number of messages sent and many more with graphs and ability to export data.
Ability to translate chat interface into any language of your choice + Ability to add Custom Language.
Pre-Built Chat, add chat in seconds by pasting a single line of code to your website or app.
Control every aspect of chat with APIs, SDK and Webhooks. Detailed documentation and developer support team.
Dead Simple Chat is the most reliable chat, with 99.999% uptime that is mission critical for your business.
“Dead Simple Chat lives up to its name — and that’s a good thing! We had a tight deadline for a one-day event, with Dead Simple Chat, we were up and running instantly, and able to easily make it work exactly how we needed it to."
I recommend this service if you need to plug-in a reliable live chat service for a sizeable online event. Whether you have 3,000 or 300,000 simultaneous chat users. In my experience, this service works as advertised.
"I've recommended it to others, and looked long and hard for something like Dead Simple Chat-it's head and shoulders in every way above everything we've found!"
Dead Simple Chat was the perfect solution to add more fan engagement into our live virtual event. The support team was incredibly responsive and collaborative, and worked with us to build a custom plan that integrated seamlessly into our existing platform."
Dead Simple Chat is great and very easy to use. I will continue to use it for other clients and recommend it to anyone who is looking for a user friendly chat solution
I used Dead Simple Chat on a landing page that sees hundreds of thousands of viewers day-of. I discovered DSC and they are fantastic to work with. Dead Simple Chat great to work and it's truly so simple to use.
All the features of DeadSimpleChat
Group Chat
Channels Sub Rooms
Language Translation
Q & A
Download Chat History
Enterprise SLA
E.U Data Residency
GDPR Compliant
100% Uptime during Event.
Share Images.
Share Files.
Create Multiple Moderators.
A.I Image Moderation.
Easy Integration.
Full Control.
10 Million concurrent participants.
Fast Response Time.
Extremely Reliable.
24 x 7 Phone and Email Support.
Message History.
Write CSS for Customization.
Secure Chat.
UI Based Customization.
Ban bad words.
Ban Users