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DerChauvenet-Preis (engl.Chauvenet Prize) ist die höchste US-amerikanische Auszeichnung für erklärende Darstellung mathematischer Erkenntnisse (Expository Mathematical Writing) und wird von derMathematical Association of America (MAA) jährlich vergeben. Der Preis ist mit 1000 Dollar Preisgeld dotiert. Er ist zu Ehren vonWilliam Chauvenet benannt (einem Mathematik-Professor der US Naval Academy) und wird seit 1925 verliehen, dank einer Stiftung vonJulian Lowell Coolidge (1873–1954), Professor und Vorsitzender der mathematischen Fakultät inHarvard und zur damaligen Zeit Präsident der MAA. Viele der preisgekrönten Arbeiten erschienen im American Mathematical Monthly, der Zeitschrift der MAA.



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  • 1925:Gilbert Ames Bliss fürAlgebraic Functions and Their Divisors. In:Annals of Mathematics. Band 26, 1924, S. 95–124.
  • 1929:T. H. Hildebrandt fürThe Borel Theorem and Its Generalizations. In:Bulletin American Math. Soc. Band 32, 1926, S. 423–474.
  • 1932:Godfrey Harold Hardy fürAn Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. In:Bulletin American Math. Soc. Band 35, 1929, S. 778–818.
  • 1935:Dunham Jackson fürThe Convergence of Fourier Series. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 41, 1934, S. 67–84;Series of Orthogonal Polynomials. In:Annals of Mathematics. Band 34, 1933, S. 527–545 undOrthogonal Trigonometric Sums. In:Annals of Mathematics. Band 34, 1933, S. 799–814.
  • 1938:Gordon Thomas Whyburn fürOn the Structure of Continua. In:Bulletin American Math. Soc. Band 42, 1936, S. 49–73.
  • 1941:Saunders MacLane fürModular Fields. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 47, 1940, S. 67–84, sowie fürSome Recent Advances in Algebra. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 46, 1939, S. 3–19.
  • 1944:R. H. Cameron fürSome Introductory Exercises in the Manipulation of Fourier Transforms. In:Nat. Mathematics Magazine. Band 15, 1941, S. 331–356.
  • 1947:Paul Halmos fürThe Foundations of Probability. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 51, 1944, S. 493–510.
  • 1950:Mark Kac fürRandom Walk and the Theory of Brownian Motion. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 54, 1947, S. 369–391.
  • 1953:E. J. McShane fürPartial Orderings and Moore-Smith Limits. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 59, 1952, S. 1–11.
  • 1956:Richard Bruck fürRecent Advances in the Foundations of Euclidean Plane Geometry. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 62, 1955, S. 2–17.
  • 1960:Cornelius Lanczos fürLinear Systems in Self-Adjoint Form. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 65 1958, S. 665–679.
  • 1963:Philip Davis fürLeonhard Euler’s Integral: An Historical Profile of the Gamma Function. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 66, 1959, S. 849–869.
  • 1964:Leon Henkin fürAre Logic and Mathematics Identical? In:Science. Band 138, 1962, S. 788–794.
  • 1965:Jack K. Hale,Joseph P. LaSalle fürDifferential Equations: Linearity vs. Nonlinearity. In:SIAM Review. Band 5, 1963, S. 249–272.
  • 1967:Guido Weiss fürHarmonic Analysis. In:Studies in Real and Complex Analysis. S. 124–178, MAA Stud. Math., Band 3, Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC, 1965.
  • 1968:Mark Kac fürCan One Hear the Shape of a Drum? In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 73, 1966, S. 1–23.
  • 1970:Shiing-Shen Chern fürCurves and Surfaces in Euclidean Space. In:Studies in Global Geometry and Analysis. S. 16–56, MAA Stud. Math., Band 4, Mathematical Association of America, Washington D. C., 1967.
  • 1971:Norman Levinson fürA Motivated Account of an Elementary Proof of the Prime Number Theorem. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 76, 1969, S. 225–245.
  • 1972:François Treves fürOn Local Solvability of Linear Partial Differential Equations. In:Bulletin American Math. Soc. Band 76, 1970, S. 552–571.
  • 1973:C. D. Olds fürThe Simple Continued Fraction Expansion of e. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 77, 1970, S. 968–974.
  • 1974Peter Lax fürThe Formation and Decay of Shock Waves. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 79, 1972, S. 227–241.
  • 1975:Martin Davis,Reuben Hersh fürHilbert’s 10th Problem. In:Scientific American. Band 229, Mai 1973, S. 84–91.[1]
  • 1976:Lawrence Zalcman fürReal Proofs of Complex Theorems (and vice versa). In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 81, 1974, S. 115–137.
  • 1977:W. Gilbert Strang fürPiecewise Polynomials and the Finite Element Method. In:Bulletin American Math. Soc. Band 79, 1973, S. 1128–1137.
  • 1978:Shreeram Abhyankar fürHistorical Ramblings in Algebraic Geometry and Related Algebra. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 83, 1976, S. 409–448.
  • 1979:Neil Sloane fürError-Correcting Codes and Invariant Theory: New Applications of a Nineteenth-Century Technique. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 84, 1977, S. 82–107.
  • 1980:Heinz Bauer fürApproximation and Abstract Boundaries. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 85, 1978, S. 632–647.
  • 1981:Kenneth I. Gross fürOn the Evolution of Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 85, 1978, S. 525–548.
  • 1982: kein Preis verliehen
  • 1983: kein Preis verliehen
  • 1984:R. Arthur Knoebel fürExponentials Reiterated. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 88, 1981, S. 235–252
  • 1985:Carl Pomerance fürRecent Developments in Primality Testing. In:Mathematical Intelligencer. Band 3, 1981, S. 97–105.
  • 1986:George Miel fürOf Calculations Past and Present: The Archimedean Algorithm. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 90, 1983, S. 17–35.
  • 1987:James H. Wilkinson fürThe Perfidious Polynomial. In:Studies in Numerical Analysis. S. 1–28, MAA Stud. Math. 1984.
  • 1988:Steve Smale fürOn the Efficiency of Algorithms in Analysis. In:Bulletin American Math. Soc. (N.S.). Band 13, 1985, S. 87–121.
  • 1989:Jacob Korevaar fürLudwig Bieberbach’s Conjecture and Its Proof byLouis de Branges. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 93, 1986, S. 505–514.
  • 1990:David Allen Hoffman fürThe Computer-Aided Discovery of New Embedded Minimal Surfaces. In:Mathematical Intelligencer. Band 9, 1987, S. 8–21
  • 1991:W. B. Raymond Lickorish,Kenneth C. Millett fürThe New Polynomial Invariants of Knots and Links. In:Mathematics Magazine. Band 61, 1988, S. 2–23.
  • 1992:Steven G. Krantz fürWhat is Several Complex Variables? In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 94, 1987, S. 236–256.
  • 1993:David Harold Bailey,Jonathan Borwein,Peter Borwein fürRamanujan, Modular Equations, and Approximations to Pi, or, How to Compute One Billion Digits of Pi. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 96, 1989, S. 201–219.
  • 1994:Barry Mazur fürNumber Theory as Gadfly. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 98, 1991, S. 593–610.
  • 1995:Donald G. Saari fürA Visit to the Newtonian N-body Problem Via Elementary Complex Variables. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 97, 1990, S. 105–119.
  • 1996:Joan Birman fürNew Points of View in Knot Theory. In:Bulletin American Math. Soc. (N.S.). Band 28, 1993, S. 253–287.
  • 1997:Thomas W. Hawkins fürThe birth of Lie’s theory of groups. In:Mathematical Intelligencer. Band 16, 1994, S. 6–17.
  • 1998:Alan Edelman,Eric Kostlan fürHow many zeros of a random polynomial are real? In:Bulletin American Math. Soc. (N.S.). Band 32, 1995, S. 1–37.
  • 1999:Michael Rosen fürNiels Hendrik Abel and equations of the fifth degree. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 102, 1995, S. 495–505.
  • 2000:Don Zagier fürNewman’s short proof of the prime number theorem. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 104, 1997, S. 705–708.
  • 2001:Carolyn S. Gordon,David L. Webb fürYou can’t hear the shape of a drum. In:American Scientist. Band 84, 1996, S. 46–55.
  • 2002:Ellen Gethner,Stan Wagon,Brian Wick fürA Stroll through the Gaussian Primes. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 105, 1998, S. 327–337.
  • 2003:Thomas Hales fürCannonballs and Honeycombs. In:Notices of the AMS, April 2000. Band 47, S. 440–449.[2]
  • 2004:Edward B. Burger fürDiophantine Olympics and World Champions: Polynomials and Primes Down Under. In:The American Mathematical Monthly. November 2000, S. 822–829.
  • 2005:John Stillwell fürThe Story of the 120-Cell. In:Notices of the AMS. Januar 2001, S. 17–24.[3]
  • 2006:Florian Pfender,Günter M. Ziegler fürKissing Numbers, Sphere Packings, and Some Unexpected Proofs. In:Notices of the AMS. September 2004, S. 873–883.[4]
  • 2007:Andrew J. Simoson, fürThe Gravity of Hades. In:Mathematics Magazine. Band 75, Dezember 2002, S. 335–350.
  • 2008:Andrew Granville, fürIt is easy to determine whether a given integer is prime. In:Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. Band 42, 2005, S. 3–38.
  • 2009:Harold P. Boas:Reflections on the Arbelos. In:American Mathematical Monthly. Band 113, 2006, S. 236–249.
  • 2010:Brian J. McCartin:e: The Master of All. In:The Mathematical Intelligencer. Band 28, 2006, Nr. 2, S. 10–21.
  • 2011:Bjorn Poonen:Undecidability in Number Theory. In:Notices Amer. Math. Soc. Band 55, 2008, Nr. 3, S. 344–350.
  • 2012:Dennis DeTurck,Herman Gluck,Daniel Pomerleano,David Shea Vick:The Four Vertex Theorem and Its Converse. In:Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Band 54, 2007, Nr. 2, S. 192–207
  • 2013:Robert Ghrist:Barcodes: The Persistent Topology of Data. In:The Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. Band 45, 2008.
  • 2014:Ravi Vakil:The Mathematics of Doodling. In:The American Mathematical Monthly. Band 118, 2011, Nr. 2, S. 116–129.
  • 2015:Dana Mackenzie:A Tisket, a Tasket, an Apollonian Gasket. In:American Scientist. Band 98, 2010, Nr. 1, S. 10–14.<
  • 2016:Susan Marshall,Donald R. Smith:Feedback, Control, and the Distribution of Prime Numbers. In:Mathematics Magazine. Band 86, Nr. 3, Juni 2013.
  • 2017:Mark Schilling:The surprising predictability of long runs. In:Mathematics Magazine. Band 85 (2012), 141–149.
  • 2018:Daniel Velleman:The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra: A Visual Approach. In:The Mathematical Intelligencer. Band 87 (2015).
  • 2019:Tom Leinster:Rethinking Set Theory. In:The American Mathematical Monthly. 121 (2014), Nr. 5, 403–415.[5]
  • 2020:Vladimir Pozdnyakov,J. Michael Steele:Buses, Bullies, and Bijections. In:Mathematics Magazine. Band 89 (2016), Nr. 3, 167–176.[6]
  • 2021:Travis Kowalski:The Sine of a Single Degree. In:The College Mathematics Journal. Band 47 (2016), Nr. 5,322–332.[7]
  • 2022:William Dunham:The Early (and Peculiar) History of the Möbius Function. In:Mathematics Magazine, Band 91 (2018), Nr. 2, S. 83–91.Ezra Brown,Matthew Crawford:Five Families Around a Well: A New Look at an Old Problem. In:The College Mathematics Journal, Band 49 (2018), Nr. 3, S. 162–168.
  • 2023:Kimmo Eriksson andJónas Elíasson:The Chicken Braess Paradox. In:Mathematics Magazine, Band 92 (2019), Nr. 3, S. 213–2211.
  • 2024:Jeffrey Whitmer:Simpson's Paradox, Visual Displays, and Causal Diagrams. In:American Mathematical Monthly, 128(7): 598-610.


[Bearbeiten |Quelltext bearbeiten]
  • James Abbott (Hrsg.):The Chauvenet Papers. 2 Bände. MAA 1978 (Abdruck der Arbeiten bis zum Stichdatum)


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  • Der Chauvenet-Preis auf der Website der MAA
  • Fast alle Artikel sind als PDF bei MathDL verfügbar oder
  • Aufsätze imBulletin of the AMS (von Smale, Granville, Treves, Hardy, Birman, Strang, Edelman, Whyburn, Hildebrandt)


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  1. (PDF; 2,2 MB)
  2. (PDF; 145 kB)
  3. (PDF; 273 kB)
  4. (PDF; 2,2 MB)
  5. JMM Prizebook 2019
  6. JMM Prizebook 2020
  7. JMM Prizebook 2021
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