Hey great game.
Content wise, I would appriciate a bit more information "guidance" to start more efficiently.
Error wise: I saw that the mouse-wheel clicks the plant - not sure if intended. and that when I have 6 click power but 1 energy, it consumes the 1 energy and gives 6 minerals. Tho usually it consumes 6 energy.
Oh and you need minerals to pay for upgrades and money, but you can only sell ALL minerals in one cathegory. I would appriciate an option to sell a portion of the minerals.
in general I like the game style and mechanics. Right now its a good start and I would see a lot of potential in the diffrent areas to expand functions.
It was a bit confusion to how much HP you need to destroy to get one XP (proportionally). It's increase (more HP per XP) if you destroy bigger rocks. That is a bit counterintuitive to me (harder rocks should give more XP and not less due to the higher difficulty) AND it is less rewarding as you spend overproportionally more time with bigger rocks to have the same result (it takes longer time and then you get less XP in the end).
The design and playstyle is good and I think you put in a lot of effort. Tho the game is very one dimensional (no decision is to be made/optimization is possible).
Options are required for that. Also I do not think that there should not be a direct connection between the hammer activity and gold income. Maybe the hammering produces something that is sold to customer's.