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Green Arrow(disambiguation)

Green Arrow is a vigilante superhero who fights crime using archery, technology, and martial arts. In his secret identity he is politician and former billionaireOliver Queen, a hot-headed social activist and ex-owner ofQueen Industries.Black Canary is his long-time love interest; andSpeedy andRed Arrow is his side-kick. The extended family of heroes who work with him call themselvesTeam Arrow. Oliver was killed in an explosion at one point and remained dead for many years until he was resurrected during theQuiver storyline. He has been a member of theJustice League and theOutsiders.Green Arrow was created byMort Weisinger andGeorge Papp, first appearing inMore Fun Comics #73 (1941).

Connor Hawke is Oliver's son and the second Green Arrow. He is one of the world's greatest martial artists and spent his teenage years as a monk in an ashram. He took the position as his father's legacy, but continued to work alongside him even when Oliver was brought back to life. He was temporarily a member of theJLA during theRock of Ages storyline.Connor Hawke was created byKelley Puckett andJim Aparo, first appearing inGreen Arrow (Volume 2) #0 (1994).


The New 52

Green-Mite Prime Earth Just-Us League
Prime Earth
Just-Us League
Oliver Queen Earth 15 Blackstars
Oliver Queen
Earth 15
Oliver Queen Earth 16 The Just
Oliver Queen
Earth 16
The Just
Olympian Earth 35 Super-Americans
Earth 35
Lead Green Arrow Earth 44 Metal League
Lead Green Arrow
Earth 44
Metal League

Dark Multiverse

Last 52 Multiverse



Green Arrow II Earth-One Imposter
Green Arrow II


Possible Futures

Other Media

DC Animated Universe

Smallville Multiverse

The Brave and the Bold Multiverse

Lego Dimensions


Injustice Multiverse

DC Super Hero Girls' Multiverse



See Also:Green Arrow Titles

Other Media Titles

See Also

Green Arrow
Green ArrowOliver QueenConnor HawkeEmiko Queen
SupportingArsenalArrowetteBatmanBlack CanaryBonnie KingBrave BowCraig WindrowDodgerEddie FyersFelicity SmoakGreen Arrows of the WorldGreen LanternHenry FyffJohn DiggleLian HarperLucas HiltonMaster JansenMia DeardenMoira QueenQuestionRed ArrowRobert QueenRobin HoodRoy HarperSinSpeedyStan WilsonTeam ArrowWalter Steele
VillainsBig Bad WolfBig GameBiomaxBlood RoseBrian NudocerdoBrickCatmanCheshireChina WhiteClock KingConstantine DrakonCount VertigoCupidCyrus BroderickDamien DarhkDanteDark ArrowDeath DealerDeathstrokeDoctor PhosphorusDregzDynamixEddie FyersElectrocutionerHatchetHyraxJakob WhorrsmanJohn DeleonKiller MothKing SharkKomodoLeague of AssassinsLongbow HuntersMammothMerlyn/Dark ArcherMilo ArmitageMister MidasMister KingNatasNicholas KoteroNinth CircleNothingOnomatopoeiaParasitePete LomaxPrometheusThe QueenRainbow ArcherRed DartReverend Billy MiggsRiddlerRoyal Flush GangRushShadoSkylarkSlingshotSolomon GrundyStar City Slayer
ComicsGreen ArrowVolume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Green Lantern/Green ArrowGreen Arrow/Black CanaryThe Longbow HuntersThe Wonder YearYear OneConnor Hawke: Dragon's BloodConvergence: Green Arrow
ItemsArrowboatArrowcarArrowplaneBlack Canary's MotorcycleGreen Arrow's ChiliTrick Arrows
LocationsArrowcaveAshramQueen IndustriesSeattleSherwood FloristStar CityStarfish IslandVlatava
CreatorsMort WeisingerGeorge PappJack KirbyDennis O'NeilNeal AdamsMike GrellKelley PuckettJim AparoChuck DixonKevin SmithPhil HesterBrad MeltzerJudd WinickScott McDanielJ.T. KrulTrevor Von EedenMike W. BarrJose Delbo
StorylinesArcher's QuestBlack Circle: Urban KnightsBrotherhood of the FistCry for JusticeEvent LeviathanEvent Leviathan: CheckmateEmerald AlliesGreen Arrow and Black Canary's WeddingHard-Traveling HeroesOutsiders WarQuiverRise and Fall
MiscellaneousOriginsPublication HistoryRecommended Reading
Other MediaArrowDC Showcase: Green Arrow
SupportingBarbara GordonBirds of PreyBlack Canary (band)Craig WindrowCreoteDesmond LamarDittoDodgerGreen ArrowGreen LanternHeathcliff RayHuntressJohnny ThunderKurt LanceLady BlackhawkLarry LanceLord ByronLucas HiltonMariannePaloma TerrificRed CanaryRoy HarperSavantSinStarlingStarmanTeam 7Trevor CahillWildcat
EnemiesArcher BraunAuntie GravityBig GameBlack SirenBlyndeBo MaeveBonfireCount VertigoCupidDark ArrowDiscordDregzGreyeyesHarpyJakob WhorrsmanLady ShivaPete LomaxPrime NumberPyra-ManiacRavedeathRavensSniper OneSteel ClawTigressTwelve Brothers in SilkWizardWhite Canary
ComicsFlash Comics (Volume 1)Black Canary (Volume 1)Black Canary (Volume 2)Black Canary (Volume 3)Black Canary (Volume 4)Black Canary one-shotsBirds of Prey one-shotsBirds of Prey (Volume 1)Birds of Prey (Volume 2)Birds of Prey (Volume 3)Birds of Prey: Manhunt (Volume 1)Green Arrow and Black Canary (Volume 1)Recommended Reading
ItemsBlack Canary's MotorcycleCanary Cry Bomb
LocationsBurnsidePlatinum FlatsSeattleSherwood FloristStar City
CreatorsRobert KanigherCarmine InfantinoDennis O'NeilNeal AdamsMike GrellChuck DixonGreg LandSarah ByamGail SimoneEd BenesJ.T. KrulTrevor Von Eeden
MainAquaman ·Atom (Ray Palmer) ·Batman ·Black Canary ·Flash (Barry Allen ·Wally West) ·Green Arrow ·Green Lantern (Hal Jordan ·John Stewart ·Kyle Rayner) ·Hawkgirl (Shayera Thal ·Kendra Saunders) ·Hawkman (Katar Hol ·Carter Hall) ·Martian Manhunter ·Superman ·Wonder Woman ·Zatanna
Membership'Mazing Man ·Adam Strange ·Agent Liberty ·Air Wave ·Alan Scott ·Alanna Strange ·Alpha Centurion ·Amazing-Man ·Ambush Bug ·Amethyst ·Andrew Bennett ·Antaeus ·Animal Man ·Aqualad ·ArgentArgus ·Arion ·Arrowette ·Artemis ·Atom (Ryan Choi) ·Atom Smasher/Nuklon ·Atomica ·August General in Iron ·Azrael ·Aztek ·Batgirl (Barbara Gordon ·Stephanie Brown) ·Batwing ·Batwoman ·Beast Boy ·Big Barda ·Big Sir ·Blackfire ·Black Adam ·Black Condor ·Black Lightning ·Black Orchid ·Bloodwynd ·Blue Beetle (Ted Kord ·Jaime Reyes) ·Blue Devil ·Blue Jay ·Boom ·Booster Gold ·Boruka ·Bronze Tiger ·Bulleteer ·Bumblebee ·Cadejos ·Captain Atom ·Captain Cold ·Captain Comet ·Captain Marvel (Billy Batson ·Freedy Freeman) ·Catwoman ·Citizen Steel ·Clock King ·Cluemaster ·Coldcast ·Commander Steel ·Congorilla ·Creeper ·Crimson Fox ·Cyborg ·Damage ·Dark Flash ·Deadman ·Deathstroke ·Despero ·Detective Chimp ·Dex-Starr ·Doctor Fate (Hector Hall ·Inza Cramer ·Kent Nelson ·Khalid Nassour) ·Doctor Light ·Doctor Mid-Nite ·Doctor Mist ·Doctor Occult ·Dolphin ·Donna Troy ·Element Woman ·Elongated Man ·Enchantress ·Equinox ·Etrigan ·Extraño ·Faith ·Fire ·Firehawk ·Firestorm (Jason Rusch ·Martin Stein ·Ronnie Raymond) ·Frankenstein ·Gamma Knife ·Gammeron ·Gangbuster ·Geist ·General Glory ·Geo-Force ·G'nort ·Godiva ·Gold ·Goldrush ·Guardian ·Guy Gardner ·Gypsy ·Harley Quinn ·Hawk ·Heckler ·Hippolyta ·Hourman (Matthew Tyler ·Rex Tyler ·Rick Tyler) ·Huntress ·Ice ·Icemaiden ·Iron ·Jade ·Jarro ·Jay Garrick ·Jesse Quick ·Jessica Cruz ·Joe Public ·John Constantine ·Joker ·Kasumi ·Katana ·Kid Flash ·Killer Frost ·Kilowog ·Lex Luthor ·Lightray ·Lionheart ·Lobo ·Loose Cannon ·Lori Lemaris ·L-Ron ·Madame Xanadu ·Major Disaster ·Man-Bat ·Manitou Dawn ·Manitou Raven ·Mary Marvel ·Max Mercury ·Maxima ·Maya ·Menagerie ·Metamorpho ·Mera ·Mighty Bruce ·Mindwarp ·Miss Martian ·Mister Miracle ·Mister Terrific ·Mon-El ·Moon Maiden ·Multi-Man ·Mystek ·Naif al-Sheikh ·Naomi ·Negative Man ·Nightmare Nurse ·Nightshade ·Nightwing ·Obsidian ·Olympian ·OMAC ·Omen ·Oracle ·Orion ·Osiris ·Pandora ·Pantha ·Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt ·Phantom Girl ·Phantom Lady ·Phantom Stranger ·Plastic Man ·Platinum ·Poison Ivy ·Power Girl ·Question ·Ragman ·Rana Dorada ·Raven ·Ray ·Red Arrow (Emiko Queen ·Roy Harper) ·Red Canary ·Red Star ·Red Tornado ·Riddler ·Robin (Tim Drake ·Damian Wayne) ·Robotman ·Rocket Red ·Sand ·Sargon the Sorcerer ·Scarlet Skier ·Seneca ·Shade, the Changing Man ·Shazam ·Shining Knight ·Signal ·Silver Sorceress ·Simon Baz ·Sin ·Sinestro ·Sister Superior ·Star Sapphire ·Starfire ·Stargirl ·Starman (Mikaal Tomas ·William Payton) ·Starro ·Steel (John Henry Irons ·Natasha Irons) ·Steve Trevor ·S.T.R.I.P.E. ·Sue Dibny ·Super-Chief ·Superboy ·Supergirl ·Superwoman ·Swamp Thing ·Tasmanian Devil ·Tattooed Man ·Tawky Tawny ·Tempest ·Tomorrow Woman ·Trickster ·Triumph ·Tuatara ·Vandal Savage ·Ventriloquist ·Vibe ·Vixen ·Wildcat ·Wonder Twins (Jayna ·Zan) ·Xanthe Zhou ·Xenos ·Yazz ·Zauriel ·Zealot
SupportingA.R.G.U.S. ·Beefeater ·Catherine Cobert ·Maxwell Lord ·Oberon ·Snapper Carr ·Sue Dibny
VillainsAlien Alliance ·Amazo ·Amos Fortune ·Anti-Justice League ·Anti-Monitor ·Appellaxians ·Aquarius ·Aryan Brigade ·Atomic Skull ·Axis America ·Barbatos ·Cadre ·Crime Champions ·Crime Syndicate of America ·Darkseid ·Dark Knights ·Demolition Team ·Demons Three ·Despero ·Doctor Light ·Epoch the Lord of Time ·Extremists ·Felix Faust ·Floronic Man ·Freedom Fighters of China ·Hyperclan ·Injustice Gang ·Injustice League ·Kanjar Ro ·Key ·League Busters ·League of Ancients ·Legion of Doom ·Lex Luthor ·Libra ·Mad Maestro ·Manga Khan ·Mongul ·Mister Nebula ·Queen Bee ·Queen of Fables ·Rama Khan ·Red King ·Royal Flush Gang ·Secret Society of Super Villains ·Starro ·Steppenwolf ·Weapons Master ·White Martians
BranchesExtreme Justice ·Justice League America ·Justice League Antarctica ·Justice League Dark ·Justice League Detroit ·Justice League Elite ·Justice League Europe ·Justice League International ·Justice League Odyssey ·Justice League Queer ·Justice League Task Force ·Justice Legion Alpha ·Justice League United ·Justice League Unlimited ·Super Buddies
HeadquartersSecret Sanctuary ·Justice League Satellite ·Justice League Watchtower ·Hall of Justice
Storylines"American Dreams" · "Breakdown" · "Breakdowns" · "Crisis of Conscience" · "Crisis Times Five" · "Cry for Justice" · "The Dark Things" · "Divided We Fall" · "Earth-2" · "Earth-Mars War" · "Extinction" · "Golden Perfect" · "Justice" · "Identity Crisis" · "In the Dark" · "Injustice League Unlimited" · "JLA/Avengers" · "Justice for All" · "The Lightning Saga" · "A Midsummer's Nightmare" · "A New Beginning" · "New World Order" · "The Obsidian Age" · "Omega" · "Origin" · "Pain of the Gods" · "The Queen of Fables" · "The Rise of Eclipso" · "Rock of Ages" · "Royal Pain" · "Rules of Engagement" · "Sanctuary" · "The Second Coming" · "The Signal Masters" · "Strength in Numbers" · "Syndicate Rules" · "Team History" · "The Tenth Circle" · "Terror Incognita" · "Throne of Atlantis" · "The Tornado's Path" · "Tower of Babel" · "Trial by Fire" · "The Villain's Journey" · "When Worlds Collide" · "World War III" · "World Without a Justice League" · "Year One"
MiscellaneousOrigins ·Publication History ·Recommended Reading
CharactersAdam StrangeAlias the SpiderAuraklesBatgirlBlackhawkBride of FrankensteinBulleteerBlue BoyCrimson AvengerDeadmanDyna-MiteDyno-Mite DanFather TimeFrankensteinGimmixI, SpyderKlarionManhattan GuardianMentoMetamorphoMister MiracleMisty KilgoreShining KnightSidewaysStar-Spangled KidStripesyStuff, the Chinatown KidTNTVigilanteWhipWingZatanna
TeamsNew GodsNewsboy LegionSeven Soldiers of VictoryS.H.A.D.E.
VillainsAppellaxiansDarkseidDark Side ClubDummyGloriana TenebraeIron HandNebula ManSheedaSolomon GrundyZor
ComicsAdventure ComicsAll-Star Squadron (Volume 1)Leading Comics (Volume 1)Silver Age: Showcase (Volume 1)Silver Age Secret Files and Origins (Volume 1)Seven Soldiers of Victory (Volume 1)
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