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TheEnchantress was originally a being from theNightshade Dimension namedSuccubus, that plotted with her brotherIncubus to bring their realm under the rule of their fatherAzhmodeus, butDzamor temporarily foiled their plans by capturing Succubus and fusing her with the mortal womanJune Moone in a costume party. Moone was a freelance artist that later became involved with the Forgotten Villains, theSentinels of Magic, theShadowpact, and theSuicide Squad as the Enchantress.

In thePrime Earth continuity, theEnchantress is instead an interdimensional witch possessing the kind-hearted humanJune Moone. She is a powerful, but mentally unstable sorceress who has fought as hero and villain and is considered a separate entity from June although the two share the same body. She has been a member of theThe Authority, the Sisterhood of the Sleight Hand, and theSuicide Squad.

Enchantress was created byBob Haney andHoward Purcell, first appearing inStrange Adventures #187 (1966).


The New 52


Possible Futures

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Injustice Multiverse


DC Super Hero Girls' Multiverse


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MembershipAce HighAerieAfterthoughtAladdinAlchemasterAmbush BugArkham KnightAtomAtom SmasherAzucarBaneBattleaxeBeastBehemothBig SirBlack AdamBlack BisonBlack HandBlack MantaBlack OrchidBlack SirenBlack SpiderBlackguardBlackstarrBlockbusterBloodletterBloodsportBlowhardBoltBooster GoldBranchBrickBronze TigerBulldozerCaptain BoomerangCaptain ColdCatalystCavalierChaos KittenChaseCheetahChemoChimeraChina WhiteChronosClock KingCluemasterColdsnapCopperheadCount VertigoCoyoteCulebraCupidDeadlineDeadly SixDeadshotDeathstrokeDefacerDoctor LightDoctor PolarisDoctor RodriguezDouble DownDuchessEl DiabloElectrocutionerElizaEnchantressEnforcerEtriganExitFilm FreakFinFireflyFirehawkFishermanFlexThe GeneralGentleman GhostGigantaGunbunnyGunhawkGypHarley QuinnHavanaHawkmanHeat WaveHeatstrokeHugh EvansIcicleJeb StuartJavelinJess BrightJeweleeJoker's DaughterJogJohn DiggleJuniperKaliberKarin GraceKarmaKatanaKeymasterKGBeastKiller CrocKiller FrostKiller SharkKing SharkKlarionKnockoutLady LibertyLarvanautLawlessLawmanLeviathanLor-ZodMadame CrowMagpieMajor DisasterMajor ForceMajor VictoryMan-BatManchester BlackManhunterMarauderMaserMatchMerlynMetamorpheusMindbogglerMindwarpMirror MasterMister 104Mister BloomMister FreezeMister ZsaszModemMongalMongulMonsieur MallahMs. ClayMulti-ManMultiplexNemesisNickelsNightmare NurseNightshadeNocturnaOracleOsitaOutlawParasitePathfinderPeacemakerPenguinPersuaderPigeonPlasmusPlastiquePoison IvyPolka Dot ManPower GirlPsiPunchPuttyQuartziteRag DollRatcatcher 2RavagerRavanReactronRed HoodRick FlagRiddlerSam MakoaSavantScream QueenSgt. RockSilver BansheeShade, the Changing ManShimmerShivShrapnelShrikeSharkSidearmSidewinderSilent MajoritySilver BansheeSilver SwanSledgeSlipknotSnakebiteSnarlgoyleSolomon GrundySpeedySportsmasterStalnoivolkStar-Spangled KidSteelSudden DeathSundownerSuperboyTalonT.D.K.Tattooed ManThinkerThermalThylacineTorqueTuppence TerrorTwisterVirtuosoVixenVoltaicWarpWeaselWhite DragonWildcatWild DogWindfallWinkWriterYasemin SozeZebra-ManZizzZoomax
SupportingAmanda WallerBriscoeCheckmateDerek TolliverEmilia HarcourtFather CraemerFlo CrawleyGeneral BrentJack KaleJohn EconomosKing FaradayLokMac McCoyMarnie HerrsMary WhiteMitch SekofskyMurphSarge SteelSenator CraySimon LaGrieveVic Sage
EnemiesAgniAntiphonBadbBasiliskBirds of PreyBrimstoneCreature of Ghost LakeDigital DjinnDjinnFirestormHyveIfritIncubusJaculiJihadKobraKoschei the DeathlessL.O.A.Mad DogMajor ZastrowManticoreMaster of the DinosaursMirage MasterOutsidersPeople's HeroesPiscatorPolyphemusRed OrchidRed ShadowsRed Wave BeastRegulusRustamSculptor SorcererSerpent in the SubwayStalnoivolkSupermanTeen TitansThinkerToltecaWilliam Hell
MiscellaneousRecommended ReadingBelle ReveFlying LabJotunheimShebaTask Force XTask Force Z
ComicsSuicide Squad (Vol. 1)Suicide Squad (Vol. 2)Suicide Squad (Vol. 3)Suicide Squad (Vol. 4)Suicide Squad (Vol. 5)Suicide Squad (Vol. 6)Suicide Squad (Vol. 7)New Suicide SquadSuicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and KatanaSuicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo and Boomerang
Other MediaBatman: Assault on ArkhamSuicide SquadSuicide Squad: Hell to PayThe Suicide SquadSuicide Squad Isekai
CreatorsRobert KanigherRoss AndruJohn OstranderKim YaleLuke McDonnellKeith GiffenPaco MedinaJavier PiñaAdam GlassFederico DallocchioSean RyanJeremy Roberts
MainAquaman ·Atom (Ray Palmer) ·Batman ·Black Canary ·Flash (Barry Allen ·Wally West) ·Green Arrow ·Green Lantern (Hal Jordan ·John Stewart ·Kyle Rayner) ·Hawkgirl (Shayera Thal ·Kendra Saunders) ·Hawkman (Katar Hol ·Carter Hall) ·Martian Manhunter ·Superman ·Wonder Woman ·Zatanna
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SupportingA.R.G.U.S. ·Beefeater ·Catherine Cobert ·Maxwell Lord ·Oberon ·Snapper Carr ·Sue Dibny
VillainsAlien Alliance ·Amazo ·Amos Fortune ·Anti-Justice League ·Anti-Monitor ·Appellaxians ·Aquarius ·Aryan Brigade ·Atomic Skull ·Axis America ·Barbatos ·Cadre ·Crime Champions ·Crime Syndicate of America ·Darkseid ·Dark Knights ·Demolition Team ·Demons Three ·Despero ·Doctor Light ·Epoch the Lord of Time ·Extremists ·Felix Faust ·Floronic Man ·Freedom Fighters of China ·Hyperclan ·Injustice Gang ·Injustice League ·Kanjar Ro ·Key ·League Busters ·League of Ancients ·Legion of Doom ·Lex Luthor ·Libra ·Mad Maestro ·Manga Khan ·Mongul ·Mister Nebula ·Queen Bee ·Queen of Fables ·Rama Khan ·Red King ·Royal Flush Gang ·Secret Society of Super Villains ·Starro ·Steppenwolf ·Weapons Master ·White Martians
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