qemu-user-static (qus) and containers

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Welcome to the Documentation ofqemu-user-static and containers (qus)!Build and executeOCI images for foreign architectures usingQEMU’suser-mode emulation.

qus is a compilation of utilities, examples and references to build and execute OCI images[R19][R27][R20] (akaDocker[R7][R25][R14] images) for foreign architectures, using QEMU’s[R3][R4][R28] user-mode emulation.

Ready-to-use docker images are provided for each of seven host architectures officially supported by Docker, Inc. orbuilt by official images[R15]:

  • amd64

  • i386

  • arm64v8

  • arm32v7

  • arm32v6

  • s390x

  • ppc64le

Multiple minimal working setups to build and executearm64v8 containers onamd64 are configured and tested onContinuous Integration (CI)[R24] services (GitHub Actions[R16][R26]).The full flow is public, for other users to learn and adapt these resources to their needs.Seegithub.com/dbhi/qus/actions.

These resources are tested on GNU/Linux and Windows 10 (Docker Desktop).Contributions to test them on other host OSs are welcome!