The SGP Package is open source software built for theR softwareenvironment. The classes, functions and data within the SGP packageare used to calculate student growth percentiles and percentile growthprojections/trajectories using large scale, longitudinal assessmentdata. Quantile regression is used to estimate the conditional densityassociated with each student's achievement history. Percentile growthprojections/trajectories are calculated using the derived coefficientmatrices and show the percentile growth needed to reach futureachievement targets.
The SGP Package is crafted with❤️ by:
We love feedback and are happy to answer questions.
Betebenner, D. W., VanIwaarden, A., Domingue, B., and Shang, Y.(2023). SGP: Student Growth Percentiles & Percentile GrowthTrajectories.
R Core Team (2023). R: A language and environment for statisticalcomputing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL