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Other (not Working Group) email lists

Guidelines for these lists, including how to request a new one to be created, can be found on the Non–Working Group email list guidelines webpage.

3gv6 This mailing list is intended for discussions relating to the use of IPv6 in cellular networks.
6band6lo Bootstrapping, Access for Networked Devices
6gipIP Issues in 6th Generation Mobile Network System (6gip)
abnf-discussGeneral discussion about tools, activities and capabilities involving the ABNF meta-language
admin-discussDiscussion list for IETF LLC administrative issues
ai-controlAI Control
aidcData Center Networking for AI Clusters
anrp-selectThis is a private list used by the selection committee for the Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP).
anrw-scANRW workshop series steering committee
anrw-tpcANRW workshop series technical program committee
antitrust-policyDiscuss the need for an antitrust or competition policy for the IETF.
apnApplication-aware Networking
appsdirApps Area Review List
arcAuthenticated Received Chain (ARC) protocol
architecture-discussopen discussion forum for long/wide-range architectural issues
arkArchival Resource Key
artApplications and Real-Time Area Discussion
atnAeronautical Telecommunications Network
auth48archiveArchiving AUTH48 exchanges between the RFC Production Center, the authors, and other related parties
bundled-domain-namesDiscussion of "bundled domain names"
ccgIANA IPR Community Coordination Group
cdni-footprintCDNI Footprint and Capabilities Advertisement
cfblDiscussions mailing list about Complaint Feedback Loop Address Header
channel-bindingIANA Expert Review: Discussion of channel binding IANA registry requests and specifications
codesprintsList for coordinating (and following up on) codesprint activities
codestand-develop"Discussion forum for the planning, coordination, and development of CodeStand"
collationIANA Expert Review: Collation registration and discussion (seeRFC 4790)
companionsIETF Meeting Companions List
core-parametersIANA Expert Review: Expert review of CoAP parameters.
crypto-panelCrypto Review Panel review coordination
cwpCertificates without PKIX
cwt-reg-reviewIANA Expert Review: CWT Registry Review
dconnDomain Connect is a protocol that makes it easy for a user to configure DNS for a domain running at a DNS provider to work with a Service running at an independent Service Provider.
dcpelMailing list for possible diffserv control plane elements WG
dcroutingRouting in the Data Center: discussions about problems, requirements and potential solutions.
dcrupDKIM Crypto Update
ddDNS Delegation
deepspace IP protocol stack in deep space
detnet-dp-dtDetNet WG Data Plane Design Team (inactive)
detnet-edp-dtDetNet WG Enhanced Data Plane Design Team
diemDiscussion of digital emblems
dir-coordThis is an e-mail alias for the organisers of IETF directorates.
diversityDiversity open mailing list
dlnexDiscussion of reliable and deterministic latency attributes
dlt-networkingDLT Networking
dmarc-reportArchive of DMARC reports for domain
dmscDiscussion of Distributed Micro Service Communication
dnsdirDNS Directorate
dnslbDNS-based Load Balancing
dns-rrtype-applicationsIANA Expert Review: List to send new DNS RRtype template applications
dnssec-bootstrappingAuthenticated Bootstrapping of DNSSEC Delegations
dtn-interestThe Delay-Tolerant Networking Research Group (DTNRG) - Announce.
dyncastDynamic Anycast
e2eeDiscussion of the definition of end-to-end encryption.
ecn-in-quicECN in the QUIC protocol discussion list.
ehipDiscuss methods to protect email senders and receivers from disclosure of email headers to observers.
eligibility-discussIETF eligibility procedures
endymailEnd-to-end email security/privacy improvements
enterpriseDiscussions about enterprise networking specific scenarios and deployment problems
eodirEducation & Outreach Directorate
etosatThe EToSat list is a non-WG mailing list used to discuss performance implications of running encrypted transports such as QUIC over satellite.
experiment-guidanceThis list exists for discussion of what guidance to give the authors of Internet-Drafts containing protocol specifications intended for publication as Experimental RFCs.
explicit-measThis mailing list is intended for discussions relating to Explicit Flow Measurements Techniques.
fantelFast Notification for Traffic Engineering and Load Balancing
fdtMailing list for the discussion of the use of formal description techniques in IETF documents
fecframe-protoFecframe protocol design team
feedsWeb Feeds
flexipFlexible Internet addressing and Flexible routing
gdpr-response-teamGDPR Response Team
gen-artGEN-ART: General Area Review Team
gen-art-privatePrivate GEN-ART list
github-adminAdministation of IETF GitHub repositories
hackathonDiscussion regarding past, present, and future IETF hackathons.
ham-agHAM Radio Operators Affiliate Group
happyDiscussion list for Happy Eyeballs v3 algorithm development
hiapsHost Identification, Address and Prefix Sharing in Wi-Fi Access (hiaps)
hls-interestDiscussions about HTTP Live Streaming (HLS).
homesec-dt'Advanced' Home Gateway Security Design Team List
hotrfcHotRFC Lightning Talk submission list
hp-wanHigh Performance Wide Area Networks
i18ndirInternationalization Directorate
i2icfInterface to In-Network Computing Functions
iabInternet Architecture Board (IAB)
iab-streamTarget for IAB Stream emails
iaoc-rpsRemote Participation Services Subcommittee mailing list
ice-issuesAnnounce-only list for activity on the ICE working group's issue list
id-alignIdentity Alignment
i-d-announceInternet Draft Announcements only
ideasDiscussions relating to the development, clarification, and implementation of control-plane infrastructures and functionalities in ID enabled networks.
idna-updateInternationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) implementation and update discussions
idnet The IDNet (Intelligence-Defined Network)
iesg-agenda-distDistribution of IESG agendas
ietfIETF-Discussion. This is the most general IETF mailing list, intended for discussion of technical, procedural, operational, and other topics for which no dedicated mailing lists exist.
ietf-822Discussion of issues related to Internet Message Format [RFC 822,RFC 2822,RFC 5322]
ietf-and-githubDiscussion of using GitHub in IETF activities, particularly for Working Groups
ietf-announceIETF announcement list. No discussions.
ietf-community-indiaList for IETF participants from India that is used to coordinate events internal to India.
ietf-cyclingDiscussion list for finding good routes around IETF meeting venues for cycling, and for sharing cycling-related experiences with IETF participants
ietf-hub-bostonFor IETFers in the Boston area.
ietf-languagesIANA Expert Review: Review of requests for language tag registration according toBCP 47 (RFC 4646)
ietf-mentoring-discussThis mailing list is set up to discuss issues and suggestions related to the IETF mentoring program. It is open any one interested.
ietf-message-headersDiscussion list for header fields used in Internet messaging applications.
ietfmibsIETF MIB Discussion list
ietf-nomcomDiscussions of possible revisions to the NomCom process
ietf-outcomesIETF Outcomes Wiki discussion list
ietf-privacyInternet Privacy Discussion List
ietf-rfpsIETF RFPs
ietf-runnersA list for IETF runners.
ietf-sailorsDiscussion list to plan sailing events collocated with IETF meetings.
ietf-smtpDiscussion of issues related to Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) [RFC 821,RFC 2821,RFC 5321]
ietf-sowSOW Feedback List
imaEAI (Email Address Internationalization)
imap5Discussion on drastically slimming-down IMAP.
independentDiscussion of RFC Editor independent submissions proposal
int-dirThis list is for discussion between the members of the Internet Area directorate.
iot-directorateMailing list for the IoT Directorate Members
iot-onboardingDiscussion of IoT onboarding mechanisms
ipdirInternet Area IP Directorate
ippm-ioam-ix-dtIPPM iOAM Immediate Export (IX) design team
ipr-announceFor keeping updated on new IETF IPR disclosures
irsgThis is the IRSG private list. It consists of the IRTF Chair, the IAB Chair, IRTF Research Group Chairs, and IRSG At-Large members.
iucginternet users contributing group
jose-reg-reviewIANA Expert Review: The JSON Web Algorithm standard (RFC 7518) establishes this email list for designated experts to discuss proposed changes, additions, and removals to the set of algorithms in the JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) registry
jwt-reg-reviewIANA Expert Review: Expert review of proposed IANA registrations for JSON Web Token (JWT) claims.
l4s-discuss Low Latency, Low Loss, Scalable Throughput (L4S)
last-callIETF Last Calls
legalTo bring legal matters to the attention of the IETF
link-relationsDiscussion of registration requests for link relation types
llc-board-ed-secretariatLLC Board and support staff
llc-consultationA list for IETF LLC community consultation
lln-futuresLow power/Lossy Networks Futures
loi-requestsLetters of Invite Requestors
lsdLoosely-coupled SIP Devices (LSD) working group discussion list
lucidLocale-free UniCode Identifiers (LUCID)
mailsecEmail Security Issues
mavsMultiprovider End-to-end VPN Services
mcast-wifiDiscussions related to issues with multicast in 802.11 Wi-Fi networks & solutions/optimizations targeted at resolving these issues.
media-feature-tagsdiscussion of media feature tags
medupMissing Elements for Decentralized and Usable Privacy
mentoring-coordinatorsIETF Mentoring Coordinators
metaverseMetaverse Discussion
mib-doctorsMIB Doctors list
middiscDiscussions on TCP option for middlebox discovery.
mif-arch-dtMIF Architecture Design Team mailing list
mod-discussDiscussion list for IETF moderation policies and practices
mpls-tp-manageIETF and ITU-T management of the MPLS-TP project
mpvdapiMultiple Provisioning Domain Architecture API design
msecMulticast Security List
msr6Multicast Source Routing IPv6
mtg-guestsFor communication between the traveling companions (friends, family) of IETF meeting attendees.
mtgvenueList for email discussion of the IETF meeting venue selection process.
mudDiscussion of Manufacturer Ussage Descriptions
multiformatsDiscussion related to the various Multiformats data formats
nasrNetwork Attestation for Secure Routing
neotecOperations of Networks for Telecom Cloud
netconf-next-dtNETCONF Next Design Team
nethistoryMatching net historical materials with institutions that may preserve them
netmod-ds-dtUpdated YANG Datastore Design Team Mailing list
netmod-ver-dtNetMod WG YANG Model Versioning Design Team
netslices This list is intended for discussion and review of network slicing at IETF.
network-tokensDiscussion list for network tokens
newsclipsIETF News Clips
new-wg-docsNew (-00) Working Group Documents
new-workEarly exchange of information about new work in SDOs
nfvconNFV (Network Function Virtualization) Configuration and Modeling
nipcnon-IP control
no-draft-expiryNo draft expiry
nsaas*NSaaS: Network Security as a Service mailing list*
nsis-impList for implementation questions for NSIS protocols
ntdpdefine standards for the purpose of scripting of network testing equipment
nvo3-dt-encapPrivate mailing list for internal NVO3 Encapsulation Design Team discussions
oauth-ext-reviewIANA Expert Review: Review of proposed IANA registrations for OAuth.
oauth-security-reportsInformation about security vulnerabilities concerning the OAuth specifications and OAuth implementations
old-nomcom-chairsOld NomCom Chairs
omcastpre-BOF overlay multicast discussions
openv6Openv6 discussion list
ops-areaOPS Area e-mail list
ops-dirOps Directorate
ops-nmOPS Area NM e-mail list
p2psipPeer-to-Peer SIP working group discussion list
pdapPersonal Digital Agent Protocol
pidlocIssues Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning (AIML) networking
pilots-agIETF Pilots Affiliate Group
pm-dirPerformance Metrics Directorate Discussion list
pntawDiscussion list for practices related to proxies, NATs, TURN, and WebRTC
pop3extDiscussion of extensions and updates to Post Office Protocol (POP3)
ports-team-internalPorts Team Internal Discussion
pq-dnssecDiscussion of post-quantum DNSSEC research
privacy-conveyA File Format to Aid in Consumer Privacy Enforcement, Research, and Tools
proconDiscussion of Process Documents Consolidation
qlogqlog logging format
qos_inbandDiscussion of in-band methods for Quality-of-service signaling
quic-issuesNotification list for GitHub issues related to the QUIC WG
rdma-cc-interestCongestion Control for Large Scale HPC/RDMA Data Centers
recentattendeesRecent IETF Attendees
recipeRECIPE (Reducing Energy Consumption with Internet Protocols Exploration)
remote-mentorsList for IETF remote mentors.
restconf-next-dtRESTCONF Next Design Team
rfc-distRFC Announcements
rfc-editor-rfiRFC Editor RFI Discussion
rfc-interestA list for discussion of the RFC series and RFC Editor functions.
rfc-markdownrfc-markdown is a discussion list for people writing I-Ds and RFCs in Markdown and the authors of the tools used for that.
rfp-announceAnnouncement of IETF RFPs
rohcRobust Header Compression
rosaRouting on Service Addresses
routing-discussionRouting Area General Discussion list
rpatRFC Production Advisory Team - Provides operational advice to the RFC Production Center
rppThis list discusses a provisioning protocol based on RESTful principles and corresponding data representations using JSON.
rsabRFC Series Approval Board (RSAB)
rtg-bfdRTG Area: Bidirectional Forwarding Detection DT
rtg-dirRouting Area Directorate
rtg-dt-encap-considerations Routing Area Design Team on Encapsulation Considerations discussion list
rtg-dt-yang-archRouting Area Yang Architecture Design Team
rtg-mibsRouting MIB experts
rtg-ooam-dtList is used by the Routing Area Overlay OAM Design team for internal coordination and discussion
rtg-open-sourceDiscussion and collaboration for Open Source efforts related to the Routing Area
rt-media-ngDiscussion of new architecture and protocol updates to Real-Time Media (Voice and Video) over IP
sat-intDiscussion of the IETF technologies for satellite networking for NTN integration for 5G and Beyond.
sbmSource Buffer Management: In the past decade there has been growing awareness about the harmful effects of bufferbloat in the network, and there has been good work on developments like L4S to address that problem.
scuba-agIETF SCUBA Diving Affiliate Group
sdp-directorate-privatePrivate mailing list for administrative discussions of the members of the SDP directorate.
sdwan-secHandling IPsec configurations in large scale SD-WAN deployment with constrained resources
secdirSecurity Area Directorate
secretariat-2012Discussion of the 2012 Secretariat SOW
shutupSMTP Headers Unhealthy To User Privacy
sipapisSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for Rich Internet Applications (RIA) discussion list.
skexSymmetric Key Exchange
smartStopping Malware And Researching Threats
smartobjectdirSmart Object Directorate
smartobject-interestDiscussion of Smart Objects
snmp-tlstm-reg-reviewIANA Expert Review: SNMP TLSTM Registration Review
solace"Smart Object Lifecycle Architecture for Constrained Environments" discussion list
sopService Orchestration and Desciption for Cloud Services
spkmLow Infrastructure Public Key GSS mechanism
srcompCompressed SRv6 SID Design Team
sshThe SSH mail list will allow discussions on improving aspects of the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.
ssh-reg-reviewIANA Expert Review: Secure Shell Registration Review
story-telling-agIETF Story-Telling
systersList for organising BoFs and other events related to the participation of women in the IETF standards process.
taeTransport Architecture Evolution
tao-discussDiscussion of the Tao of the IETF
tcppragueTo coordinate implementation and standardisation of TCP Prague across platforms. TCP Prague will be an evolution of DCTCP designed to live alongside other TCP variants and derivatives.
tddTechnology Deep Dives
teachingList to discuss freely available college and university course materials that help educators teach Internet technology.
terminologyEffective Terminology in IETF Documents
tlp-interestDiscussion of proposed revisions to the Trust Legal Provisions
tls-reg-reviewIANA Expert Review: TLS REVIEW
tools-discussIETF Tools Discussion
training-wgchairsWGChairs Training
transport-nbi-dtTransport Network Controller Northbound Interface Design Team
travel-grants-commiteeIRTF Travel Grants Committee
tsv-artTransport Area Review Team
tsv-triageTSV Triage Team
tzdist-bisExtensions to Time Zone Data Distribution Service
tzdist-serviceIANA Expert Review: Discussion of Time Zone Distribution Service registration requests
uri-reviewIANA Expert Review: Proposed URI Schemes
vmeetIETF remote participation meeting services discussion
vpn4dcDiscussion of requirements and solutions for establishing end-to-end IP connectivity through tVPNs for data center and cloud services
waxWeb Attribute Exchange
webauthn-reg-reviewIANA Expert Review: Registration requests should be sent to the mailing list described in [draft-hodges-webauthn-registries, Section 17].
webfingerDiscussion of the Webfinger protocol proposal in the Applications Area
wellknown-uri-reviewIANA Expert Review: Well-Known URI review list
wgguide Discussion of IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures
witareaWeb and Internet Transport (WIT) Area
xml2rfcXML2RFC discussion list
yang-doctorsEmail list of the yang-doctors directorate
yang-multicastYANG Multicast
yang-sid-logisticsCommunication facilitating the logistics of handling YANG SIDs (RFC 9595) in IANA registration and RFC Production Center processes

