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Data at UT

Data at UT

Welcome to, the home of the University of Tennessee System’s suite of dashboards. We present publicly available systemwide data on a variety of topics such as student enrollment, student success, research expenditures, and UT’s impact across the state of Tennessee.

Featured Dashboard

UT Impact Dashboard

UT Impact

This dashboard shows the university’s impact across the state, including information for each county and each legislative district. This dashboard was developed in partnership with UT’s Government Relations team to aid in demonstrating UT’s impact in each jurisdiction.

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Employee Salaries

The employee salaries dashboard displays the base salaries of all paid, regular, active University of Tennessee employees.

Enrollment Dashboard

The enrollment dashboard showcases student headcounts at the University of Tennessee campuses, including demographic information.

Institutional Effectiveness
1210 UT Tower
505 Summer Place
TN 37902

