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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Goddard Space Flight Center
Sciences and Exploration Directorate
Earth Sciences Division

GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)

Global Maps

Select parameters on the following form to create a surface temperature anomaly or trend map.An explanation of the input elements appearsat the bottom of this page.Note that generating figures takes 5 or 6 seconds; please be patient.

Data Sources::
Time Interval:
Base Period:

Notes Concerning the Maps:

  • The number at the top right-hand corner of the map plot is an estimate for the global mean of the calculated field; it may be slightly different from the announced GISTEMP index because an alternative method is used to deal with missing data. Seethe FAQ for further explanation. Note that if the map only shows ocean data (Land: none), the mean is computed only over the area with data.
  • The end points of the scale colorbar have defaults (-4.1°, 4.1°). Either or both is replaced if the min and/or max value of the data is outside that range.

Input Elements:

  • Data Sources: Land Surface Air Temperature
    • None: NO land temperature data are used
    • GHCNv4: GISS analysis based on GHCN v4 (updated each month) (Updates to Analysis (v4))
  • Data Sources: Sea Surface Temperature
    • None: NO ocean temperature data are used
    • ERSST_v5: NOAA/NCEI's Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) v. 5
  • Data Sources: Remote Sensed Surface Temperature Anomaly (AIRS Homepage)
    • AIRSv6: AIRS/Aqua L3 Monthly Standard Physical Retrieval 1 degree x 1 degree V006 (AIRSv6 Data)
    • AIRSv7: AIRS/Aqua L3 Monthly Standard Physical Retrieval 1 degree x 1 degree V7.0 (AIRSv7 Data)
  • Map type:
    • Anomalies: Mean temperature (°C) averaged over a specifiedmean period andtime interval relative to a givenbase period.
    • Trends: Temperature change (°C) of a specifiedmean period over a specifiedtime interval based on local linear trends.
  • Mean period: Any monthly, seasonal (3 month or 6 month) or annual mean.
    Period is declared missing, unless >50% of data are available.
  • Time interval: Years over which temperatures are averaged or trends are found.
    Note: If the mean period straddles 2 years, fill in the LATER year for both Begin AND End.
    Periodsmay not start before Jan 1880 except for AIRS data, which may not start before September 2002
    'Means' are not reported unless >50% of the needed records are available,
    'Trends' are not reported unless >66% of the needed records are available.
  • Base period: Time interval to which anomalies are relative.
  • Smoothing radius: Distance over which a station influences regional temperature, either 250 km or 1200 km (standard case = 1200 km).


Please see theGISTEMP referencespage for citations to publications related to this research.

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Page updated: Mar 22, 2024

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