I'mDCS! (They/Them) A queer and trans full time comic artist who also enjoys making visual novels!
Fanart, fanfic, cosplay, streams and Let's Plays of my games areall okay to do and encouraged! Please link back to the game if you showcase it anywhere. Please be aware that all my work is intended forADULTS ONLY! This means you must be 18 or older to download anything on this page. Thank you!
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Solanaceae is a series of comics and games created by DarkChibiShadow, that center around Battam, a witch, and Sal, a satyr, as they navigate not only their romantic relationship, but the complex feelings that encompass BDSM. All that, whil...
Stuff that features Alkaline and Zeggy from my incomplete web comic, Space School! The story follows Zeggy, an alien and real creep, who attends the acclaimed Space School for his telekinetic powers. Upon meeting the attractive transfer stu...
Comics I've made that were inspired by the works of other! Officially, it's all parody.
Meus projetos em Português do Brasil!