



Dariia Selishcheva


Game designer

Щя як зіграю
Visual Novel
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Твій кіт знає, яка реальність насправді.
Visual Novel
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Останній день механікині Павки в місті під куполом!
Visual Novel
Save people from hunger! Don't die yourself!
Interactive Fiction
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How to live if your spine is injured? / Как жить, если у тебя травма позвоночника?
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Interactive Fiction
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диалог с Внутренним Голосом
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Антропологический эксперимент
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Что передают друг другу матери из поколения в поколение?
Interactive Fiction
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Supported by Dahuanna

It's really bouncy

Dahuanna & Valeriy Petrov jam games

Go as deep as you can
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Interactive Fiction
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an automatic ink compiler
a web engine for interactive fiction
Storylet support for ink's web player!
Like the bitsy game editor but wish you could just use all the colors, well...
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a little engine for little games, worlds, and stories
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import tiles to bitsy
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lovely shelters

Питання про вічність і загублені речі.
Visual Novel
За один день можна знайти щастя або збожеволіти. Що випаде вам?
Visual Novel
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Character creator themed around cute and creepy monster girls!
Role Playing
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Коротка історія про зорі, котів та відьму-птаху.
Visual Novel
Visual poetry/prose about the horrors of going home inspired by a solo journaling game
Based on real events.
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A love letter to a public transit system I haven't used in years.
Interactive Fiction
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Once, I ran away with a raven
Interactive Fiction
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Four short stories about apartments, choices and love.
Visual Novel
At the end of everything, hold onto anything.
a little exploration game about hiking up a mountain
The lyrics for Ryan Ike's wonderful soundtrack, with Chinese translation
A narrative game about wandering the Great Depression US, collecting stories, and spreading them onwards
Another story that a cat once told me
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Triple Town meets Whack-A-Mole
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A chill game about using plants to overgrow abandoned wasteland dioramas
Memory shapes our reality, thru immersing oneself into it, one can recreate wht was lost.
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