Biosyntesen af de forskellige molekyler, stoffer (terpener, gibberelliner, cholesterol osv.) sker ikke direkte ud fra isopren, men via en kompleks række af reaktioner.
The Ozarks Isoprene Experiment (OZIE) blev designet til at udforskeegetræers udsendelse af isopren i Ozark bjergskoven iMissouri i USA.[4][5] Det blev bekræftet, at egetræer er store isopren-udsendere med en middeludsendelse på 66 mgC g-1 h-1, men man opdagede også at isopren-udsendelsen er afhængig af bladenes temperaturer – jo højere; jo mere.
^Carnegie Mellon University. (2014, May 15). Emissions from forests influence very first stage of cloud formation. ScienceDaily Citat: "...This new study uncovers an indispensable ingredient to the long sought-after cloud formation recipe -- highly oxidized organic compounds..."It turns out that sulfuric acid and these oxidized organic compounds are unusually attracted to each other. This remarkably strong association may be a big part of why organics are really drawn to sulfuric acid under modern polluted conditions," Donahue said...The fine-tuned model not only predicted nucleation rates more accurately but also predicted the increases and decreases of nucleation observed in field experiments over the course of a year, especially for measurements near forests. This latter test is a strong confirmation of the fundamental role of emissions from forests in the very first stage of cloud formation, and that the new work may have succeeded in modeling that influence..."
Rachel Pike: The science behind a climate headlineArkiveret 7. december 2009 hosWayback Machine As a Ph.D candidate at Cambridge, Pike's research on isoprene, a major biofuel crop emission, and other molecules has taken her soaring over rainforest canopies in multi-ton labs-on-wings, into the cooled-down sub-levels of supercomputer grids, and into massive experimental atmospheric chambers. Her exhaustive work represents a major step toward a complete picture of how human activity affects the global ecosystem.