Enfason er enkvasipartikel, der eksisterer ikvasikrystaller grundet deres specifikke kvasiperiodiske gitterstruktur. Både fasoner ogfononer er associeret med atomisk bevægelse, men hvor fononer er relateret tiltranslation af atomer, er fasoner associeret med atomiskomorganisering. Som et resultat af disse omorganiseringer, bølger, der beskriver atomernes position i krystallet, ændrer fase, hvilket giver ophav til termen "fason".
Den hydrodynamiske teori af kvasikrystaller forudsiger at den konventionelle (fonon) deformering lempes hurtigt. I modsætning hertil, er fasonernes hendøning diffusiv og meget langsommere.[1]
Kvasikrystaller som fremmer atomisk bevægelse i form af fasoner kan måske øgevarmetransport iisolatorer dramatisk.[2]
^May 20, 2018, scitechdaily.com: Scientists Make First Observations of PhasonsArkiveret 21. maj 2018 hosWayback Machine Citat: "...Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory made the first observations of waves of atomic rearrangements, known as phasons, propagating supersonically through a vibrating crystal lattice–a discovery that may dramatically improve heat transport in insulators and enable new strategies for heat management in future electronics devices...Fresnoite has a flexible framework structure that develops a competing order in the structure that does not match the underlying crystal order, like an overlay of mismatched tiles. Phasons are excitations associated with atomic rearrangements in the crystal that change the phase of waves describing the mismatch in the structure..."
P.J. Steinhardt and S. Ostlund The Physics of Quasicrystals (Singapore: World Scientific, 1987)
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