


End is near?

UPDATE 20th Jan: Bug fixes & adjustments:

  • Progressing under the finish platform
  • Chance of getting stuck on corners
  • Incorrect backtracking level assignments. 
  • Increased coyote jump time from 0.25 -> 0.3

UPDATE 17th Jan: Improved controls, physics interaction, wall jump, clipping on corners.

Pro tip: Use a controller! The levels near the end can be tricky with keyboard controls. Click the Gamepad icon to get a run down on the controls at anytime!

A short platformer where the end is near! ...Or is it?

Play as Boxi, a brave little square on a mission to reach the end, whether it likes it or not!


WASD/Left Stick: Move
Space/A Button: Jump/Double Jump/Wall Jump
Left Shift/X Button: Dash

Artwork/Programming: Conor McKenna
Music: Kyle Misko, Phat Phrog


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you can beat a few levels going under the goal and then come back from the right to see its still there and youre in it :3

Great catch!! Thanks for letting me know, I'll upload a fix as soon as I can!

also i somehow managed to get softlocked in the top corner of the level where walljumps are introduced 

idk exactly how i think i dashed or smth

Hmm... I think I know what might have caused that, I should have a fix up later today!

Neat, but the ground is a bit too slippery and there is no coyote time either. Also, at least on my machine controls for jumping react very erratically. I made it to the level where you have to jump through two small gaps between spikes with a moving platform in between.

("Oh this one looks tricky....")

Thanks for the feedback! I'll try lengthen the coyote time for the jumps, it is there, but it might be a bit too short!

Extremely fun and engaging! 

My only complaint is that the dash mechanic accelerating you in the direction you're moving needs maybe one extra level to tutorialize it before getting to the other challenges. 

Otherwise, fantastic!

Much appreciated! I'll fine tune the guidance and add some more levels soon, thanks so much for the kind words, and for playing!

I agree with the other guy though i think i can help you with that wall stuck thing

i think that is caused because of the fact that wall sliding (down) is faster than falling. make it slower.

Thanks for the suggestion, will try it out and update when I can!

I've updated the controls, you should be able to play without getting stuck on the walls now! (though let me know if you still do...!😅)

some issues that is found are the player like a third of the time doesnt double jump, he gets stuck on corners, and at the bottom of a wall you can just tuck yourself in there which makes wall jumping hard.other than that its a cool little fun game with a funny tutorialgood job

So glad you liked it, I'm hoping to fix those issues up during the week (and hopefully add more levels!) Thank you so much for playing in the meantime though!

I've fixed those issues, would love for you to try it again!😄·View all by CyberThreat·Report·Embed

