


Built To Scale

Play as a lovable lil' robot, built with one purpose in mind... TO SCALE THE HIGHEST HEIGHTS AND GO WHERE NO LIL' ROBOT HAS GONE BEFORE!!! Armed with the latest in suction cup and solar powered recargeable batteries, can you reach the top of the mountain,and the leaderboard?

Start off at street level and make your way up through a procedurally generated layout of obstacles, trying to make it as far as possible without falling! And trust me, some of the falls I've seen come out of this would make Bennett Foddy blush...


  • A/D to control left/right and up/down
  • Space to jump


Known issues and outstanding work to do:

  • After snapping to a wall, the player can get stuck if they've gotten on too close to the floor, as the ground and wall rays are both actively firing. Temporary fix by moving up the wall and back down again.
  • Low variety in procedurally generated area, as well as poor alignment of assets, due to time constraints (but it does have a nice LBP feel in those areas because of it!)
  • Some visual bugs.

After Jam ends plans:

  • More unique areas and biomes! Not just layouts, there'll be more than just the multi colored beams as well with any luck!
  • More customizations! More colors and of course hats
  • Further refinements to physics and presentation


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