Project curl Security Advisory, May 11 2022 -Permalink
The curl URL parser wrongly accepts percent-encoded URL separatorslike '/' when decoding the hostname part of a URL, making it adifferent URL using the wrong hostname when it is laterretrieved.
For example, a URL like
,would be allowed by the parser and get transposed into
. This flaw can be used tocircumvent filters, checks and more.
This flaw was introduced incommit9a8564a920188e, shipped in curl7.80.0 when curl added support forpercent-encoded hostnames in URLs.
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assignedthe name CVE-2022-27780 to this issue.
CWE-177: Improper Handling of URL Encoding
Severity: Medium
libcurl is used by many applications, but not always advertised assuch!
The URL parser now rejects hostnames that percent-decode into URLseparator characters.
A - Upgrade curl to version7.83.1
B - Apply the patch to your local version
This issue was reported to the curl project on April 28, 2022. Wecontacted distros@openwall on May 5.
libcurl7.83.1 was released on May 11 2022, coordinated with thepublication of this advisory.
Thanks a lot!