A Bitsy Secret Santa gift forminiwoolf, based on the promptscats,home (what it feels like to be there), andresolution. Please enjoy this silly little poem, and I hope the things that feel like home to you are plentiful this year.
Made withBitsy by Adam Ledoux. Special thanks to the fine folks in the Bitscord (go red team) and Chris. Fonts aremonorosalicious andpico_eight, and were sourced fromcustom bitsy fonts.
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i was enthralled the whole poem through. oh, i feel lighter for having experienced this. i love the poem. i love the shifting rooms, the many scenes, your choice of colors, AHH! i feelseen andloved. and like, notonly did you make this heartfelt work of art, but you made itfor me??? wild. impossible. unbelievable. but it's TRUE. i feel so special. thank you, thank you, thank you for this. 🥰