Core Values

This icon is an unbalanced scale.

Equity: A realization that any student has the potential to enroll, grow, and excel in computing.

This icon is a person holding a lightbulb.

Service: Empower members to become ambassadors of the CS discipline, helping underscore its importance as a mainstay in the school and the community.

This is an icon of a ribbon with a star in the center.

Excellence:A commitment to promoting outstanding scholarship in computer science coursework.

Society Support

What does CSTA provide to local CS Honor Societies?

A group photo of members of the Grafton CSHS pose on stage.
  • Program management
  • Virtual community for society advisors to share best practices
  • Ability to order standardized, branded program supplies (pins and graduation cords)
  • Advisor toolkit, including:
    • Sample meeting agendas and service project ideas
    • Best practices for equitable recruitment practices 
    • Student recruitment materials
    • Guidance for society operations
  • Recognition of local societies at a national level
  • Live webinars on a variety of topics relevant to society operations

Are you interested in bringing CSHS to your school? Become a CSTA member, then apply! Please go to your member dashboard and select “Apply” under the CSHS Application menu.

Starting a Society

Ready to start your society?Follow these steps. To be eligible to start a society in your high school, you must:

  • Submit an application usingCSTA’s online form
  • Teach in an accredited high school that offers one or more computer science courses
  • Appoint one or more advisor(s) who can commit to the day-to-day supervisory and administrative responsibilities; advisors must beCSTA members
  • Obtain authorization from your school principal to launch a society
  • Commit to following theCSHS Constitution
  • Commit to the core CSHS values of equity, service, and excellence
  • Commit to submitting an annual report summarizing your society’s activities
  • Possess the funds to cover the costs of the program; information about program fees is availablehere

Program Timeline

  • Spring to Summer:Apply online to charter a new local society.
  • Fall:Recruit members and leaders; hold induction ceremony.
  • Fall/Winter:Plan and execute one or more service projects.
  • Early Spring: Offer one opportunity for hands-on experiential learning with a local community partner; continue or start new service project(s).
  • Mid-Spring: Order cords for graduation.
  • Late Spring:Complete annual report and plan student recruitment activities for the following academic year.


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