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Ministry of Planning and Development

Mobile Application and DataNett Portal now availableThe most recent statistics related to child mortality, reproductive health, child health, early childhood education and child functioning as well as a host of details on the status of women and families in Trinidad and Tobago are now available via the first ever mobile application and virtual Datanett Portal for the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey...timelineREAD MOREThe Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS6) Survey Findings Report is now available!Report - MICS6 Survey Findings ReportWebsite - -   27th January 2024 Trinidad and Tobago Guardian Newspaper  4% of women in T&T physically attacked during robberies New CSO App reveals statistics on issues in country Statistics show that four per cent of women within the 15 to 49 age bracket have experienced physical violence during robberies and assaults in...timelineREAD MORECaribbean Statistics Day 2023MESSAGE FROM DR. CARLA N. BARNETT SECRETARY-GENERAL, CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY (CARICOM) ON THE FIFTEENTH OBSERVANCE OF CARIBBEAN STATISTICS DAY 15 OCTOBER 2023Sunday, 15 October 2023 marks the fifteenth observance ofCaribbean Statistics Day, when we take time to highlight the importance of statistics to inform the development strategies of the countries of our Caribbean Community (CARICOM) as we work at the...timelineREAD MORECSO Conducting the Household Budget Survey and Survey of Living Conditions (HBS/SLC) from February 2023The Honourable Pennelope Beckles, Minister of Planning and Development is announcing to the public that the Central Statistical Office (CSO) will be conducting the Household Budget Survey and Survey of Living Conditions, beginning Sunday 12 February, 2023 to conclude in January of 2024. The Household Budget Survey (HBS) is designed to collect very detailed information regarding the household budget...timelineREAD MORET&T gets US$721,000 via UN Joint SDG Fund to strengthen data gatheringTrinidad and Tobago will benefit from a US$721,400 grant from the Joint SDG Fund of the United Nations which will be used to develop the country’s data and statistics related to its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Speaking at the launch of the project at the Hyatt Regency in Port of Spain, United Nations Resident Coordinator (a.i) and...timelineREAD MORECSO making progress on updating statisticsTrinidad and Tobago Guardian Newspaper  |  Sun Jan 9th 2022 Progress is being made by the Central Statistical Office (CSO) to bring the dissemination of the Index of Retail Prices (RPI) back on the one-month time lag schedule, the Ministry of Planning and Development has confirmed. The CSO released the Index for the month of October 2021...timelineREAD MOREUsing Statistics to Keep Track of Our Changing Environment“Data is the lifeblood of decision-making and the raw material for accountability. Without high-quality data providing the right information on the right things at the right time; designing, monitoring and evaluating effective policies becomes almost impossible... Read the latest article in our Statistics in Focus series by the CSO to learn more about using statistics...timelineREAD MOREThe CARICOM Regional Census Coordinating CommitteeDid you catch the latest “Statistics in Focus” column from the Central Statistical Office? The 25th article of the current series - The CARICOM Regional Census Coordinating Committee was featured in Thursday's Business Guardian. Catch up on the latest and other articles at: Statistics in Focus.timelineREAD MORE2011 Census Online2011 Census Database now accessible onlineThe 2011 Population and Housing Census database can now be accessed and queried via the Central Statistical Office’s website You can now rapidly produce various types of user defined tables, graphs and maps which are easily downloadable for inclusion in reports, presentations and for personal use. The “2011 Census Data” link falls under the heading...timelineREAD MORET&T Population Reaches 1.4 millionT&T Population Reaches 1.4 millionThe total population of Trinidad and Tobago reached 1,353,895 persons in 2016 according to the Central Statistical Office’s Population, Social and Vital Statistics Division. This total consists of 679,288 males and 674,607 females and represents the CSO’s 2016 mid-year estimates. Based on these official statistics the population of Trinidad and Tobago can now be stated as...timelineREAD MORE

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Mobile Application and DataNett Portal now available

February 26, 2024

The most recent statistics related to child mortality, reproductive health, child health, early childhood education and child functioning as well as a host of details on the status of women and families in Trinidad and Tobago are now available via the first ever mobile application […]

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