CORE Recommender
A leading research papers recommendation solution.Get instant recommendations and discover articles of interestfrom across the network.
Make your repository content more discoverable from across theglobal network of CORE data providers.
Relevant content
Support users in finding articles relevant to their interests.
Ease of use
Easy installation to all repositories, journals and web interfaces.
Free access
We provide our recommendation service for free.
How it works
The recommender is a plugin for repositories, journal systems and web interfaces that provides suggestionson relevant articles to the one currently displayed. Its purpose is to support users in discoveringarticles of interest from across the network of open access repositories. We have validated thatall recommended articles are free to read and can be accessed without a paywall. Thus, the CORERecommender increases the visibility of open access content. Being open should pay off!

Arthur Smith
Deputy Manager of Scholarly Communication (Open Access), Cambridge University
CORE Recommender is an essential part of the evolving openinfrastructure, which surfaces not just the content in ourrepository, but the entire open literature.Recommender greatly enhances the functionality of our repositoryand provides our users with topical open resources that are only aclick away.
For those with access to the CORE Repository Dashboard - theRecommender installation guidelines and an installation key canbe accessed via the Dashboard.Log into the Dashboard and then choose the tab Get the recommender.
Otherwise, visit our registration page to gain access to the Recommender.
Find out more about the CORE Recommender in our blog post andin our research section.
If you have access to the CORE Repositories Dashboard,log into the CORE Repository Dashboard and you will get theinstructions on how to download the CORE Recommender.Otherwise, visit our recommender registration page,where you will also find the installation instructions.Repository managers are highly recommended to use the CORE Repositories Dashboard.
If you use CORE in your work, we kindly request you to cite one of our publications.
What’s included
Our free membership provides you with:
- Recommendations of full text items in open access repositories,journals or webpages.
- Recommendations based on metadata records or full text itemsor both.
- A user feedback system that improves the recommendation accuracy.

Uniqueness of the CORE Recommender
- We ensure that the recommended articles are available open access, ensuring that whatgets recommended can also be freely read.
- Our state-of-the-art recommendation algorithm makes use of article full texts, not justmetadata, in addition to a wide range of other features. Read more on how the algorithmworks in ourresearch section.