Guidance Document
Examples of activities prohibited by this policy
This guidance document is intended to provide clear, specific, and concrete examples of prohibited conduct that violate the Code of Conduct and may lead to disciplinary action. This is not intended to be an all-inclusive list, but is instead intended to assist employees and supervisors in understanding what constitutes unacceptable conduct.
Lack of Respect for Persons or Property
- Disorderly conduct on University property, during University activities, or between
two University employees, including fighting, provoking a fight, attempting bodily
harm or injury to another employee or to any other individual, or threatening
physical action or injury; or other conduct that threatens or endangers the health,
safety, or well-being of any person; - Discriminatory, abusive, insulting, or offensive language, including threats,
derogatory remarks, epithets, sexually explicit jokes, or jokes that demonstrate
insensitivity to a particular group; - Spreading malicious rumors or perpetuating misinformation;
- Disallowing divergent points of view from being heard, including responses to
criticism of job performance; - Violation of any University policy or law prohibiting harassment, discrimination, or retaliation against students or employees, including HR0280 – Sexual Harassment and Other Discriminatory Harassment;
- Incivility, including bullying, rudeness, or intimidation; verbal abuse in the
workplace, including derogatory remarks, insults and epithets; verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a threatening, intimidating, or humiliating nature in the workplace; sabotaging or undermining an employee’s work performance; unsolicited and unwelcome harassing conduct; or making comments (verbal or written, including e-mail communication and text/instant messaging), gestures, actions, or contacts that would inhibit the work performance of a reasonable person; - Willful or negligent damage to University property, including physical violence or
excessive force (e.g., slamming doors, throwing objects).
Lack of Integrity
- Misrepresentation and dishonesty
- Dishonesty in the workplace
- Representing oneself without authorization as speaking or acting on behalf of
the University either directly or indirectly, including the unauthorized use of
University logos or other indicia on social media or otherwise. - Theft
- Abuse of Information Access, Confidential or Otherwise.
- Failure to Disclose Conflicts of Interest
- Prohibited Resource Use.
- Hazardous Health and Safety Conduct
- Possessing or carrying a firearm in violation of Safety Policy SA0875—Firearms,
explosives, or other dangerous materials on University property or during
University activities, unless the employee is authorized either by University
policy or law to carry such materials and it is also necessary to do so in the
course of employment (e.g., police officers R.O.T.C. personnel, etc.). - Smoking in violation of University policy.
- Failing to wear proper safety equipment or adhere to safety standards.
- Tampering with or wantonly destroying University data, records, or other
information; gaining unauthorized access to such information; disclosing confidential
information; or otherwise misusing University data or information.
- Unauthorized use of University vehicles, mail services, identification, credit cards, telephones, computers, computer equipment, or other University equipment or materials. Employees do not have a right to privacy in anything they create, send, or receive on a University computer. The University has the right to monitor, for business reasons, all aspects of any University computer system, including employee e-mail
Personal Misconduct
- Insubordination or refusal of an employee to follow instructions or to perform
designated work or to comply with directives of authorized University officials.