What we have to offer
A light-weight and flexible governance infrastructure
We offer a simple solution that will allow many projects to not waste time and start discovering what is out there in the world for them to achieve. You get a virtual not-for-profit organisation to run the Programme, an infrastructure for decision making, and through ourpartners you will be able to receive tax-friendly donations.
instant, free infrastructure for projects
a home for technology efforts in the public interest
Projects should outgrow creators
Organisations that start free software/open source projects sometimes find themselves in a position where they need to loosen their relationship with the project in order to allow it to mature and to live up to its full potential.
Create room for involvement
Valuable contributors from the outside may need to be able to get more responsibility. The community may be asking for an open and trustworthy governance model for clearing and assigning copyrights to be more future proof.
Getting yourself organised
Others want to contribute in other ways — for instance by donating money. But to whom? What about taxes? Scaling up a project often means a lot of additional overhead, and several unknowns that suck up time.
If you are a creator, make sure your project is not hindered by lack of copyright transparency.
Governance matters
(but that doesn't mean you should waste time)
Unlike other organisations you may have looked at, we do not handle money directly. We believe that this makes things a lot easier and safer. You can of course receive donations, but this is handled througha specialised and established charity.
Some of our projects
Simple & Secure Large File Transfer
FileSender is a (self-)hosted service that allows people to securely share large files with anyone. It works through your web browser and you can send a file to anyone with a mail address. FileSender was originally created with the needs of scientists and researchers in mind, which means that it scale to extreme file sizes.
Private instances of FileSender are currently in use by many nation research networks and scientific institutes across the world.
Modular security for the web
The Redwax Project provides a number of small and modular security tools to make it easy to build security services on the web. These can be combined to form various types of certificate authorities, issuing certificates with SPKAC and SCEP, servicing certificate revocation with CRLs and OCSP, and creating timestamps.
The aim of the project is keep the security footprint and the number of dependencies as low as possible.