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From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository



  • Gladiator Venator fighting a wild boar.
    GladiatorVenator fighting a wild boar.
  • The Versailles menagerie during the reign of Louis XIV.
    TheVersailles menagerie during the reign ofLouis XIV.
  • A painting of the London Zoo in 1835.
    A painting of theLondon Zoo in 1835.
  • The monkey cage at London Zoo in 1835 (Lithography by George Scharf).
    Themonkey cage atLondon Zoo in1835 (Lithography byGeorge Scharf).
  • Artists at the Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes (Painting from 1902).
    Artists at the Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes (Painting from 1902).
  • Zoologischer Garten. Gemälde von August Macke.
    Zoologischer Garten. Gemälde vonAugust Macke.
  • Palmenhaus auf der Pfaueninsel bei Potsdam, Carl Blechen, 1832–1834.
    Palmenhaus auf der Pfaueninsel bei Potsdam, Carl Blechen, 1832–1834.
  • "Papageienallee" by Max Liebermann.
    "Papageienallee" by Max Liebermann.
  • Ota Benga, a human exhibit, in 1906.
    Ota Benga, a human exhibit, in 1906.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II. besichtigt 1909 eine Gruppe Äthiopier bei einer Völkerschau im Tierpark Hagenbeck.
    Kaiser Wilhelm II. besichtigt 1909 eine Gruppe Äthiopier bei einer Völkerschau imTierpark Hagenbeck.
  • Johann Geyer: Das Innere einer Tierbude, 1835; Öl auf Leinwand, 56,3×70,3 cm; Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig.
    Johann Geyer:Das Innere einer Tierbude, 1835; Öl auf Leinwand, 56,3×70,3 cm; Museum der bildenden Künste,Leipzig.
  • Lion displayed by New York Zoological Society, 1905.
    Lion displayed by New York Zoological Society, 1905.
  • Tasmanian wolf at zoo in Washington D.C., 1902.
    Tasmanian wolf at zoo inWashington D.C., 1902.



Near East/Moyen Orient

  • Zoological Center of Tel Aviv-Ramat Gan.
    Zoological Center of Tel Aviv-Ramat Gan.
  • Gorilla in the Zoological Center of Tel Aviv-Ramat Gan.
    Gorilla in the Zoological Center of Tel Aviv-Ramat Gan.
  • African Penguin in the Zoological Center of Tel Aviv-Ramat Gan.
    African Penguin in the Zoological Center of Tel Aviv-Ramat Gan.
  • Lake and animals at Ramat Gan Safari, Israel.
    Lake and animals at Ramat Gan Safari,Israel.


  • Lions at the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa.
    Lions at the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa.
  • View over a portion of the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa with Pretoria in the background.
    View over a portion of the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa withPretoria in the background.

North America/Amérique du Nord


Latin America/Amérique latine





  • Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) in Sydney's Taronga Zoo in 2002.
    Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) inSydney's Taronga Zoo in 2002.
  • Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), Melbourne Zoo, Australia. Girafe (Giraffa camelopardalis), Zoo de Melbourne (Australie).
    Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis),Melbourne Zoo, Australia.
    Girafe (Giraffa camelopardalis), Zoo de Melbourne (Australie).
  • Zoo keeper with Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) at Melbourne Zoo.
    Zoo keeper with Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) atMelbourne Zoo.
  • Zookeepers with a cheetah at Australia Zoo.
    Zookeepers with a cheetah at Australia Zoo.
  • A Sulphur-crested Cockatoo with bird handler at Australia Zoo.
    A Sulphur-crested Cockatoo with bird handler at Australia Zoo.
  • Feeding time at the Melbourne Aquarium draws a large crowd.
    Feeding time at the Melbourne Aquarium draws a large crowd.
  • Lioness behind a wire mesh at the Werribee Open Range Zoo.
    Lioness behind a wire mesh at the Werribee Open Range Zoo.
  • Steve Irwin feeding a crocodile at Australia Zoo. Steve Irwin nourrissant un crocodile dans un zoo en Australie.
    Steve Irwin feeding a crocodile at Australia Zoo.
    Steve Irwin nourrissant un crocodile dans un zoo enAustralie.


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