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Sarah Palin

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العربية: سارة بالين
فارسی: سارا پیلین
עברית: שרה פאלין
日本語: サラ・ペイリン
Azərbaycanca:Sara Peylin (təvəllüdü: 11 fevral 1964) — Alyaskanın keçmiş qubernatoru və ABŞ vitse-prezidentliyinə keçmiş namizəd.
English:Sarah Louise Heath Palin is the former Governor of Alaska and was the 2008 Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States.
Čeština:Sarah Louise Heath Palin je současná guvernérka státu Alajaška a republikánská kandidátka na úřad viceprezidentky USA.
Deutsch:Sarah Louise Heath Palin ist die ehemalige Gouverneurin von Alaska und war die republikanische Kandidatin für das Amt des Vizepräsidenten.
Galego:Sarah Louise Heath Palin é a gobernadora de Alasca e foi a candidata republicana á vicepresidencia dos Estados Unidos nas eleccións de 2008.
Español:Sarah Louise Heath Palin es una antigua Gobernadora de Alaska y fue la candidata por el Partido Repúblicano a la vicepresidencia de los Estados Unidos en las elecciones de 2008.


  • June 2007
    June 2007
  • May 2010
    May 2010


  • 31 August, 2008
    31 August, 2008
  • 20 September, 2006
    20 September, 2006

Tours abroad

  • Visiting the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany (2007)
    Visiting the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany (2007)
  • Visiting Alaskan servicemen in Germany (2007)
    Visiting Alaskan servicemen in Germany (2007)
  • Kuwait (2007)
    Kuwait (2007)
  • Kuwait (2007)
    Kuwait (2007)


  • Panorama of Gov. Palin's resignation at Pioneer Park in Fairbanks, Alaska
    Panorama of Gov. Palin's resignation at Pioneer Park in Fairbanks, Alaska
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